Літня школа EPFL

Студенти-бакалаври, які навчаються за природничими спеціальностями (life sciences), можуть подавати заявки на літню школу Федеральної політехнічної школи Лозанни.

Дати: 4 липня – 29 серпня 2018 року.

Місце: Лозанна, Швейцарія.

Дедлайн – 31 січня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), will offer an intensive research training opportunity to 25 undergraduate students interested in research careers in life sciences. This program will run from July 3rd to August 25th 2017.

Each student will gain hands-on lab experience under the supervision of an EPFL Faculty from one of our institutes.
  • Brain Mind Instutute (BMI)
  • Institute of Bioengineering  (IBI)
  • Global Health Institute  (GHI)
  • Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC)
The SRP is made up of several parts and the student must participate in each one.
  • Two months of lab work (40 hours/week)
  • Friday Seminars/workshops
  • Closing Student Symposium
  • Social Events
  • Up to 25 students are selected from over 500 applicants per year.
  • There is no restriction on nationality. We encourage Swiss students to apply!
  • It is free to apply!  No cost!
  • A financial compensation for living and housing expenses are provided for all successful candidates.
  • The majority of travel expenses are covered by program sponsors and the School of Life Sciences. Students are asked to make their own travel arrangements and the SRP coordinator will reimburse the amount once the program starts. In general, up to 1,000 CHF for overseas travel and up to 500 CHF for European travel is covered.
  • Housing is provided in the Lausanne area for the duration of the program.
  • Students must ensure that they have a valid health, accident and theft insurance.
  • The working language is English.
  • Some funding is available for an excursion and/or social event

Джерело: http://sv.epfl.ch/summer-research/

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