Тренінговий курс “Employ your Ability 2”

До участі запрошуються молоді лідери, молодіжні працівники та активна молодь з цікавістю до теми.

Дати: 10 – 17 червня 2017 року.

Місце: Торосгюх, Вірменія.

Дедлайн – 29 квітня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The aim of the TC is to empower youth workers and leaders from Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries supporting the employability of young people they work with, especially those from vulnerable backgrounds and with fewer opportunities.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To provide participants with skills and knowledge on assisting the unemployed young people to connect to the job market through investigating various tools for providing young people with relevant information and learning opportunities.
  • To provide space and time for discovering different policies, realities regarding unemployment situation and to share opportunities for youth employment in various Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus.
  • To visit various state and public institutions in Armenia to get a closer look on cross-sectoral cooperation opportunities for modeling their future work, get to know different state programmes and organizational models assisting of youth employment.
  • To develop cooperation with other organizations working in the same field for possible future cooperation, exchange of good practices, and provide setting, skills and information for developing partnership projects within the framework of Erasmus Plus programme and beyond.

The project will bring together 24 participants. Age limits: 18 +
The participants should meet the following criteria/have the following criteria:

  • Youth workers, youth leaders; people having experience in youth work; strong interest and motivation on the topic;
  • Ready to be engaged in non-formal learning process in an intercultural setting and be willing to transfer the gained knowledge and skills to his/her reality by ensuring high quality aspects

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/employ-your-ability-2.6464/

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