Париж, Франція: стипендія на навчання для бакалаврату

Виш: Sciences Po University


Де: Париж, Франція

Для кого: для студентів, які мешкають за межами ЄС, які вступають на бакалаврат та не в змозі оплатити навчання самостійно

Фінансування: на бакалавраті – від 3600€ до 13000€ на 3 роки навчання

Дедлайн: 23 February 2022

Більше інформації про стипендію!

To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be: first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

Students who are not eligible are:

  • Swiss and Norwegian applicants, since they may be entitled to CROUS scholarships
  • Candidates who have dual citizenship, including an EU citizenship
  • Candidates from Quebec for master’s degree (since they may take advantage of sliding scale fees same as European applicants). Candidates from Quebec for a bachelor’s degree are eligible
  • Master’s level dual-degree candidates. Only applicants for the following dual degrees are eligible:
    • the dual degree in Journalism Sciences Po/Columbia University
    • the dual degree Sciences Po/Fudan University with the concentration Europe-Asia in Global Affairs (only applicants with Chinese nationality)
    • the dual degree Sciences Po/Peking University (only applicants with Chinese nationality)
  • Ph.D. programme students (thesis)
  • Candidates for the 1 year Master’s programmes
  • Bachelor dual degree candidates (unless as part of a specific agreement)
  • Exchange students
  • Candidates applying via the French graduate admission procedure

The Émile Boutmy scholarship may not be combined with other scholarships (Eiffel scholarship, AEFE scholarship, BGF…).

This scholarship is awarded based on merit and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria may also be taken into account.

This scholarship is not automatically awarded, to apply candidates must follow the instructions below.


  • Deadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from foreign secondary schools): 23 February 2022.
  • Deadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from French secondary schools): mid-June 2022.
  • Deadline for master programme: 30 November 2021.

No application requests will be accepted after the deadline.

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