Магістратура з теми прав людини та демократії

Європейська магістерська програма з прав людини та демократизації (EMA) є основною навчальною програмою Глобального кампусу прав людини (GC).

Створена в 1997 році завдяки баченню 10 піонерських університетів, EMA – це найстаріша програма магістрів, яку підтримує Європейський союз.

Сьогодні у програмі EMA беруть участь 41 престижний університет та правозахисні центри усіх країн-членів Європейського Союзу.

Дедлайн прийому заявок на магістерську програму: 30 березня 2020 року.

EMA is open to EU and non-EU citizens.

The criteria used during the selection process are:

  • academic ability and background
  • experience
  • language competence
  • motivation

Academic requirements

Applicants are required to hold a university degree of a high standard in a field relevant to human rights, including disciplines in Law, Social Sciences and Humanities, and must have a minimum of 180 ECTS (Bachelor/General Degree).

Candidatures can be considered as long as the applicant has obtained a degree corresponding to:

  • 180 ECTS credits (generally a 3-year course) or
  • 240 ECTS credits (generally a 4-year course) or
  • A combination of a degree of 180 ECTS and relevant proven additional experience or studies (such as 1-year MA or summer courses)

Applicants completing the degree entry requirements subsequently to the application deadline are requested to provide a current transcript of exams. Eventual admission into the Programme will be conditional upon receipt of documentation of the completed degree (by 31 August).

All selected candidates who hold a non-EU degree are required to produce upon admission a “declaration of value” of their degree. Non-EU candidates are moreover required to obtain a study visa which must cover the entire duration of the academic year (September 2020 – September 2021). Both the study visa and the “declaration of value” are preconditions for enrolment and should be requested from the competent Italian Embassy or representation offices.

Additional studies and experience

Additional studies and practical experience in the area of human rights in inter-governmental, governmental, or non-governmental organisations are helpful.

Language competence

Certified fluency in English is an admission requirement to the programme. While not a prerequisite, the ability to understand lectures and read academic texts in French is a definite advantage for participation in the programme.

Більше інформації про умови програми та деталі тут: https://gchumanrights.org/education/regional-programmes/ema/how-to-apply.html


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