Прийом заявок у College of Europe на магістратуру “European Interdisciplinary Studies”

Відкрито прийом заявок до College of Europe на магістерську програму “European Interdisciplinary Studies”

Де: Варшава, Польща

Терміни: 2 семестри

Реєстрація на програму: https://admissions.coleurope.eu/login

Гайд, як подати заявку: https://www.coleuropenatolin.eu/apply/application-instructions/

The College of Europe is the oldest and Europe’s most renowned institute of postgraduate European studies. The advanced Master of Arts in European Interdisciplinary Studies offered at the Natolin campus in Warsaw provides graduates and young professionals with the wider perspective on Europe.


1st semester 1st semester

2nd semester 2nd semester

Study trips Study trips

Master's thesis Master’s thesis

Фінансування і стипендії

Approximately 70% of the students are granted scholarships by their government or by public or private institutions.

For all scholarships mentioned on our website, candidates should submit an online application, indicating that they apply for these scholarships on the application form.

Scholarships are awarded according to the final ranking of the candidates. Preselected candidates will be informed about the scholarship decisions as soon as possible after the selection interviews have taken place.

Governmental scholarships

The full list per country and their conditions are available on the College of Europe website.

European Neighbourhood Policy Scholarships (ENP countries citizens)

  • Beneficiaries: Citizens of countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) – Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.
  • Eligibility: On the basis of citizenship.
  • Conditions: None.
  • Type of scholarship: Full, depending on merit.

For more information visit the College of Europe website.

European Neighbourhood Policy Scholarships (EU citizens)

  • Beneficiaries: Candidates from EU Member States who demonstrate a specific academic interest for the European Neighbourhood Policy.
  • Eligibility: Candidates applying for this scholarship scheme must motivate this within their online application (max 600 words). They have to explain why they are interested in the European Neighbourhood Policy.
  • Conditions: Beneficiaries of this scholarship scheme will have to write their Master’s thesis on a topic related to the European Neighbourhood Policy.
  • Type of scholarship: Ranging from partial to full, depending on merit.

For more information visit the College of Europe website.

European History and Civilization Scholarships (all countries)

  • Beneficiaries: Graduates in History and related disciplines who demonstrate a specific academic interest for European history or European civilization. Related disciplines include: International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Area Studies, Geography, Philosophy, History of Art, Theology, Classics, Modern Languages and Literature.
  • Eligibility: Candidates applying for this scholarship scheme must motivate this within their online application (max 600 words). They have to explain why they are interested in the European history or European civilization.
  • Conditions: Beneficiaries of this scholarship scheme will have to write their Master’s thesis on a topic related to recent European history or to European civilization. In the second semester, beneficiaries will be automatically enrolled in the European History and Civilization major.
  • Type of scholarship: Ranging from partial to full, depending on merit.

For more information visit the College of Europe website.

Other sources of possible scholarships

For more information visit the College of Europe website.

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