Стажування в Банку Естонії

Іноземні студенти запрошуються до участі в оплачуваному стажуванні в Банку Естонії. Стажери зможуть провести власне дослідження під науковим керівництвом.

Дедлайн: 5 квітня, 5 серпня, 5 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The aim of Eesti Pank’s internship programme is to enhance cooperation with scientific research establishments and universities in both Estonia and abroad. The bank offers the interns an opportunity to conduct an intense analytical research for 1 to 6 months under the guidance of a supervisor. In addition, interns learn about the structure, tasks and responsibilities of the central bank.
Eesti Pank invites students in Estonia and abroad to apply for internship.

Eligible candidates:

  • are either Master’s students or have completed at least two academic years of BA studies;
  • wish to do their research in fields related to the bank’s key functions and topics specified in the bank’s strategic research plan; or
  • are interested in performing duties related to the tasks and operations of a central bank.

The internship is remunerated.

Information for internship applicants
In order to apply, please send by e-mail or mail:

  • application
  • CV
  • academic statement/record of the courses you have passed and your average grade

The application should include answers to the following questions:

  • In which department of Eesti Pank you would like to do the internship?
  • What is the desirable duration and the suitable starting date of the internship?
  • Do you have a specific area or topic you wish to concentrate on during the internship? Please describe your preferences in as much detail as possible.
  • If you have already written any research papers (including term papers) or participated in projects, working groups etc., please describe them briefly.
  • Please provide the contacts of a university professor/course instructor willing to give his/her recommendation regarding your internship.

Deadlines for applications:

  • 5 April (for internship during May–August)
  • 5 August (for internship during September–December)
  • 5 December (for internship during January–April)

If the stated deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday, the deadline is the following work day.

Please send the documents to:
Human Resources and Staff Development Services
Eesti Pank
Estonia pst. 13
15095 Tallinn
E-post: cv@eestipank.ee
Applicants will be informed of the decision within a month following the deadline.

Джерело: http://www.eestipank.ee/en/research/internship-eesti-pank-0

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