Економічний форум молодих лідерів

5-7 вересня у Польщі відбудеться 12-тий Економічний форум молодих лідерів.

Дедлайн – 18 червня.

Детальний опис англійською:

300 young leaders from 43 countries will meet in Poland for the 12th time to debate on the future of Europe. Debates of young people with representatives of social, political and business life aim at creating innovative ideas for the continent. During mutual discussions and workshops new ideas are developed, new inspirations are created and new decisions on taking mutual actions are made. They are meant to generate a change in the future. It is at the Economic Forum of young Leaders that future elites acquire and share their knowledge. It is also a chance to rise quality and improve recognition of youth work, share good practices in the frame of youth work.

The 12th Economic Forum of Young Leaders takes place between 5th and 7th of September 2017 in Nowy Sącz. The programme will focus on the following areas: global security, future of Europe, economic growth, youth entrepreneurship, business management, leadership and the role of young generation in the contemporary world.


All prospective participants in age 18-35 who need to speak good English and be active in political, social and economic life in an NGO or other institution/organization. The organizers will also assess prospective participants’ experience in the Fields of social, economic and political affairs. Participation in courses, trainings, seminars, affiliation to NGOs will be an asset.
The main aim of the Forum is to gather a diversified group of people from different backgrounds and countries, hence the organizers kindly ask to register only one person per organization. For underrepresented countries and regions the organizers can accept more then one participant per organization.

Registration fee:
– 10 EUR for participants from Ukraine
The organizers can cover travel cost for selected participants.
Please note that only cheapest means of transport and fares are subject to reimbursement (APEX airfare, 2nd class train ticket, etc.).

Travel costs reimbursement:
– up to 150 euro for participants from Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia

Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/12th-economic-forum-of-young-leaders.6551/


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