Хорватія: волонтерський проект на рік

Pangeya Ultima шукає волонтера/-ку віком від 18 до 30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) у Хорватії


Dates: September 2021 – August 2022

Location: Croatia, region of Lika, Lovinac

Hosting Organization: Center for Creative Solutions

About the organization: Center for Creative Solutions (C4CS) is located in the rural Croatia, near the Velebit mountains, some 600 meter above sea level with rich wildlife and pristine nature. It is located 3 kilometers from the village of Lovinac that has small shop, post office, cafe, doctor, dentist and first aid. There is a lake 10 km from the C4CS, seaside is some 30 km away, city of Zadar is 70 km, Plitvice lakes national park is 75 km, Zagreb is 220 km, with two trains a day commuting back and forth.

About the project: We are looking for young people who are excited by nature, capable of handling all its positive sides as well as challenges. You are a person that likes nature and wants to learn and share scope of skills. You are diligent, on time, pro-active, patient, brave, adaptable, willing to learn, and likes simple living, and before all you are interested to learn about Permaculture, including self-sustainability, ecology, preservation of environment and species.

Volunteer profile: 

  • in a good physical shape;
  • willing and able to take activities that are required at the permacultural farm and surroundings;
  • able to live in a small village on the countryside with limited resources;
  • having a keen interest the subjects of: ecology, permaculture, renewable energy, environment, helping community;
  • interested to learn of organic everyday lifestyle including hygiene, kitchen etc.;
  • proactive and diligent;
  • willing to be part of the entire project for 12 months and take part of the daily activities required at the farm;
  • able to adapt and improvise;
  • able to communicate in English;
  • between 18-30 years old.

Food costs are covered and accommodation is in a rented private residency located 10 minutes walking distance from C4CS, consisting of kitchen, bathroom, and 2 rooms, with a small terrace.

The residency has basic and simple accommodation and can be quite comfortable and nice if the basic rules are followed (such as cleanliness, caring of the wood stoves, looking after surrounding, sensibility to an environment that includes vegetarian food, organic products, and cosmetics). There is no WIFI at the residency and the Internet can be provided through a Croatian SIM card with a monthly internet.

Traveling costs to C4Cs from your location is covered in the amount up to 275 Euros (limited by the Erasmus+ distance calculator).

Monthly pocket money in the fixed amount of 150 Euro.

The working schedule is 6 hours a day, with 2 days free weekly. Organization of working hours per day depends on the weather and time of the year.

Free days can be collected and used together according to an agreement.

Course in basics of Croatian language is provided.

*Bring with you:

  • hard-working shoes that preferably have toe cap and cover your ankles,
  • comfortable summer and winter clothes and working clothes (overalls),
  • headlamp or battery-torch,
  • medicines that you are using,
  • appropriate first aid kit (including insect bites ointment, sun lotion, cold, and high temperature
  • medicine, upset stomach medicine etc.)
  • passport or ID and other necessary documents (driving license etc),

All invoices and travel tickets (your travel costs can be reimbursed only if all the invoices and tickets are handed over), your ESC insurance paper (made by sending organization), and a European health insurance card

Take care that you also have your shaving kit, all-weather jacket, sun hat, sunglasses, swimming suit, towels, flip flops, house sleepers, alarm clock, etc.

Deadline for applications: AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

You can fill the form from Pangeya Ultima by the link: заповнити анкету тут

European Solidarity Corps covers accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.

Про програму:

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.

The young people who participate in the European Solidarity Corps will all agree with and uphold its Mission and Principles.

You can register for the European Solidarity Corps when you are 17 years old, but you cannot start a project until you are over 18. European Solidarity Corps projects will be available to people up to the age of 30 years old.

*Центр розвитку Пангея Ультіма зазначає свою готовність до захисту приватності аплікантів. Вся особиста інформація від аплікантів збиратиметься лише для обробки заявок на даний проект/подію, для комунікації із заявниками щодо логістики та організації відшкодувань. При необхідності вся чутлива інформація від аплікантів буде анонімізована на основі запитів від них. ЦР Пангея Ультіма обіцяє не розповсюджувати особисту інформацію заявників із іншими сторонами окрім як із особами прямо задіяними у процес організації даного проекту/події. Всі апліканти розуміють, що при наданні доступу до особистої інформації з цілю подання заявок на участь, вони автоматично надають організаторам згоду на обробку та зберігання власних персональних даних.

*Development center Pangeya Ultima is fully committed to protecting all applicants’ privacy. Information collected will be only used for the purpose of processing the applications, communicating with selected participants, for logistics purposes and travel costs reimbursement. Where sensitive, all the personal details of the applicants will be anonymised upon request. DC Pangeya Ultima pledges not to pass on the collected information to any other party besides those who are directly involved in the organization of the above project/event. By submitting their applications and providing access to personal information all applicants understand that they automatically give consent to processing and storing of own personal data.


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