Тренінговий курс “Eastern Express 2016”

Молодіжні працівники та представники громадських організацій запрошуються до участі в тренінговому курсі, мета якого – створити місце для пошуку партнерів майбутніх заходів в рамках програми “Erasmus+”.

Дати: 7 – 12 лютого

Місце: Грузія.

Дедлайн: 13 грудня

Детальний опис англійською:

EASTERN EXPRESS is a training course for potential partners of Youth Exchanges in frame of Erasmus+ Youth programme. This event focuses on development of cooperation between Progamme countries, Eastern Partnership countries and Russian Federation.

TC will be focused on planning new Youth Exchanges projects involving Programme Countries, Eastern Partnership countries and Russian Federation. More information about the eligible countries you may find at http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-eligible-countries_en.pdf .
During the training we will explore what makes a Youth Exchange project successful, what is good partnership, how the project should be managed, what should be the active participants of young people and also what support measures can we use.

The first Eastern Express Training Course was co-organised by the SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre in cooperation with Slovakian National Agency in April 2005. It was the first training activity on project management in youth exchanges. Afterwards the course was repeated many times and became a flagship activity in Eastern Europe and Caucaus region.

The EASTERN EXPRESS TC aims to enhance and to support the cooperation between organisations from Programme Countries, Eastern Partnership countries and Russian Federation. In addition wants to stimulate the creation of new projects ideas and development of activities quality.

The board and lodging during the training course for all participants will be provided by organisers;
Travel costs of participants from Eastern Europe and Caucasus will be covered by SALTO EECA RC;
Travel costs of participants from Programme Countries will be paid by relevant National Agency on its own principles.


Джерело: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/tc-eastern-express-2016.5420/

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