Семінар “Draw your future!”

На семінар до Туреччини запрошуються молодіжні працівники, тренери і менеджери проектів.

Дати: 4 – 10 травня.

Місце: Odemis, Туреччина.

Дедлайн: 26 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The international Seminar “Draw your future!” has been planned with the main aim of starting a virtuous process to develop the skills of European organizations in the field of youth-led project management. A strong network of youth organizations and young leaders will be created, that will cooperate in a long term perspective becoming a resource also for the other organizations all over Europe who wants to grow in this field.

Specific objectives:

  • sharing a common understanding of youth participation, European active citizenship and youth-led projects for community development, focusing on a gender sensitive approach and use of different media.
  • increasing the knowledge of best practices on how to develop successful youth-led projects around Europe and foster the skills of youth organizations and informal groups;
  • to create a network of organizations that will cooperate in a long term prospective on this topic becoming a resource for the other organizations all over Europe.

The international Seminar will be held in Odemis (Turkey) from 4 to 10 May 2017 and will gather 30 participants from 6 countries: Turkey, Italy, Greece, Ukraine, Hungary, Albania . The project is targeted to youth workers, youth trainers, project managers and youth leaders who have the competences to share detailed information about youth-led projects in their communities, as he/she has participated in the project with a main role.
The gender balance will be ensured by trying to select an equal number of female and male participants.

Джерело і анкета: http://ngo-stella.org/projects/Draw-your-future

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