ЕВС з теми донорства у Крайові, Румунія

НГО “Стелла” шукає 2-х волонтерів для 3-місячного ЄВС у казковій Румунії!

Волонтери будуть популяризувати донорство крові на півдні країни, організовувати і проводити тематичні заходи, писати статті, знімати фото та відео, наповнювати сайт та соцмережі, вести щомісячний журнал тощо.

Коли: 01.02.2019 – 30.04.2019

Де: Craiova, Romania
Дедлайн: 31/12/2018 (23:59)

Red Bracelet 2 project is following to increase the number of donors in the south region of Romania as well as increasing the awareness of the population regarding the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is representing an answer to the high need of blood in medical centers in Romania that is situating our country at the inferior limit in the European statistics for countries regarding the “donor conscience”.

The aim of the project is to answer the need of increasing the number of blood donors and to adopt a healthy lifestyle, through volunteering activities that are including young people with fewer opportunities belonging to NEET category.

The activities of the project

  1. Creating the Red Bracelet 2 Club – this club will represent an umbrella under which the activities will be taken, making sure that will be very visible in the community in order for the local volunteers to continue it’s activity also after the project will finish, through the local volunteers that will be members.
  2. Blood donation campaigns – the volunteers will organize 2 campaigns / stage – 1 in Craiova and another one in other city.
  3. Activities inside the Blood Donation Center of Dolj County – the volunteers, divided in teams, will offer support in the daily activity of the center by keeping good communication with donors basically.
  4. Journalistic activities: writing articles, creating photo-video reportages, update the website of the project and the Facebook page, create info brochures regarding blood donation, launching monthly the E-Magazine that will offer information related with a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Organizing public events in order to attract local volunteers and in order to send the message of the project in the local community.

• 18-30 years old
• Interest in the project
• Basic knowledge of English
• Biometric passport

Financial conditions:
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. All expenses for visa, insurance, accommodation, food and international travel costs are fully covered. The volunteer will also receive pocket money monthly.

How to apply?
In order to apply please send your CV and motivation letter in English (no more than 1 page) to evs@ngo-stella.org and make clear why you’d like to take part in this project.

In the subject of your e-mail please indicate «Red Bracelet».

Дива трапляються там, де в них вірять….і подають заявки на ЄВС!

Фото unsplash.com


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