Молодіжний обмін “Discover the European values”

Харківська НГО “Стелла” оголошує про набір п’яти учасників на молодіжний обмін, протягом якого учасники розвиватимуть навички міжкультурного розуміння та підприємництва.

Дати: 14 – 21 серпня 2016 року.

Місце: Дебрецен, Угорщина.

Дедлайн: 25 квітня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The DISCOVER THE EUROPEAN VALUES!” Project will be between 14 – 21st of August 2016. It is a multilateral youth exchange with the aim of improving the knowledge and skills of the young participants and youth workers with information about the subject of the project. In this case, the project aims to develop cultural understanding, initiative and entrepreneurship.

With that goal, the project involves a total of 20 people (4 participants between the age of 18-22 + 1 leader, no age limit) from 4 different countries. We intend that all of the participating groups and participants acquire knowledge in the field of each country’s culture, puppet traditions, and to develop information dissemination elements to create a multiplier effect by young people once they return to their place of origin.
The language of the project will be English.

MAIN TASKS for participants:
To bring a puppet show about what stereotypes you have against the nations that will participate in this particular exchange. You can also include that what you think what stereotypes other
nations have against your nation. The puppet show shall be around 10-15 minutes.


  • creative, open-minded young people, who are willing to actively participate in the exchange, and
    wants to meet different cultures
  • interested in the main topic of the exchange;
  • capable and willing to develop further projects.

There will be an advanced planning visit, where we will discuss the final daily plan, see the accommodation and share the tasks for the exchange. We kindly ask all participating organizations to
send the group leader for the APV. Important information will be told and according to previous experience, if not the group leader but someone else comes to the APV, the group is not well
prepared for the exchange. Planned date of the APV is: 29-31th of July, 2016.

Food, accomodation is provided. The transport cost are covered with the limit of 170 euro per participant.
Yearly membership fee – 20 euro.

If you are interested please send us your CV and motivation letter to info@ngo-stella.org

The deadline is 25th April.

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