Гранти “DIGITAL // MEMORY” на підтримку проєктів проти антисемітизму

Що: the funding programme “DIGITAL // MEMORY”. Focal points: History of National Socialism/Culture of Remembrance & Present Day Antisemitism Funding countries in 2021: Germany, Ukraine, Belarus

Мета: to develop and test digital formats for historical-civic education

Організатор: the Foundation EVZ (part of a Culture of Remembrance 4.0)

Зміст: the testing of digital formats in historical-political education and also supports projects against anti-Semitism in the digital space.

We support projects that use the learning and communication worlds of the modern information society and thereby strengthen democracy with up to 200,000 €. These projects are part of a Culture of Remembrance 4.0 that combines digital tools and techniques with historical sites and local history. We are happy to promote cooperation between educational organisations and actors from the digital society in the civic tech sector.

We provide support to projects that utilise the learning and communication environments of today’s information society in a bid to strengthen democracy.

Дедлайн:  22 February 2021

Цілі програми:

  • Commitment against Antisemitism in the digital space
  • Design of contributions to a Culture of Remembrance 4.0
  • Development of digital formats in historical-civic education
  • Cooperation between education stakeholders and digital partners

Хто може взяти участь:

We support non-profit organisations as well as state-run institutions from Germany, Ukraine or Belarus that are active in formal and non-formal education and have experience in the field of Antisemitism prevention, the history of National Socialism or pertaining culture of remembrance. Ideally, the projects should lead to cooperation with digital partners. If this is done by way of commissioning contractors, the applicable public procurement regulations must be observed. In particular, concrete contractors are to be acquired only after the start of the project


We support projects with a funding amount of at least EUR 120,000 and up to EUR 200,000. A subsidy for personnel and material costs is possible. We expect state and municipal institutions to make an appropriate contribution of their own. The contribution of third-party funds is also possible

Як проходить відбір:

We will select your proposal in a two-stage decision. Project ideas and applications may be submitted either in German or
in English:
1. Submit your project idea using the digital form via E-mail to digital.memory@stiftung-evz.de by 22 February 2021. Please use only the form provided by the Foundation.
2. If you have chances of potential funding, you will receive an E-mail by 15 March 2021 encouraging you to submit a formal application. You will receive all necessary documents (including cost and financing plan) and we will advise you on the application process. The application period ends on 26 April 2021. Final decisions on funding will be made by the EVZ Foundation together with external experts on the basis of a comparative assessment. You will be informed of our decision in June 2021 at the latest as to whether your application will be submitted to our international Board of Trustees and what follow-up questions there are concerning your project. The Board of Trustees will decide on the funding in October 2021 at the latest.

Як буде здійснюватися проєкт:

The funded projects will be supported by cross-national networking meetings. Our working language will be English.

Please plan for two events during the course of the project. The costs for this (e.g. travel and accommodation) will be covered by the EVZ Foundation and are not part of the project costs.

Про що повинна бути твоя ідея:

We seek to promote projects that

• visibly counter various forms of current Antisemitism (e.g. online hate speech, Holocaust-denial, conspiracy theories)\


• take the history of National Socialism or the pertaining culture of remembrance as a starting point to negotiate the relevance of remembrance for the future (e.g. virtual commemoration, biographical stories and campaigns, historical sites, contemporary witnesses, interventions). The projects should have the potential to stimulate high-profile debates, create opportunities for action and thus strengthen democratic values.

Формати проєкту:

We seek to support projects whose impact mainly unfolds in the digital space (e.g. social media campaigns, social bots, algorithmicising, community building) or which develop digital tools and techniques (e.g. virtual reality and augmented reality applications, serious games, web documentaries, mapping projects, digital curating).

Подача заявок та офіційний сайт


Детальніше про проєкт: https://www.stiftung-evz.de/eng/funding/critical-examination-of-history/digital-memory.html

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