Освітній табір “Different Perspectives on WWII”

МВО “СВІТ-Україна” (www.facebook.com/svit.ukraine) шукає учасників для освітнього табору в Німеччині “Different Perspectives on WWII”

Тема проекту – волонтери підтримають будівництво меморіального комплексу та дізнаються більше про історію Другої світової війни та її наслідки для російського, українського та німецького народу.
Умови: проживання, харчування та програма безкоштовні, кошти за дорогу не повертаються.
Внесок за участь: 55 євро.

Дедлайн: приймаються перші подані заявки.

Application procedure:
Треба зареєструватися на сайті www.workcams.info та там подати заявку.
Напишіть на outgoing@svit-ukraine.org і ми підкажемо, як це зробити.

Study camp  “Different Perspectives on WWII (Georgsmarienhütte near Osnabrück)”


Description: During World War II more than 2000 people from 17 countries were kept as prisoners in this concentration camp set up by the Gestapo. The main groups of prisoners were forced labourers who came from the Netherlands and the former Soviet Union. Their punishment also used to serve as a deterrent to more than 25000 other women, men and children who were forced to do labour. Almost half of them came from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. The memorial site Augustaschacht has been gradually built in the last 18 years thanks to the involvement of volunteers and displays Osnabrueck’s history concerning the Nazi-time. The volunteers in this camp will support the construction of the memorial site and learn more about the history of WW II and its consequences for Russian, Ukrainian and German people.

Type of Work: Help with the excavation of the former camp territory; the found objects will be presented in an exhibition

Study Theme: WW II history; strengthening awareness about forced labour, based on specific examples; Nazi history, its causes and effects; interviews will be held with Jewish contemporary witnesses of the war and the holocaust in the ex-Soviet Union, who immigrated to Munster, Germany around 15-25 years ago and therefore build a bridge between past and future and between Germany and Russia/Ukraine. The volunteers will also conduct interviews with the surrounding population during the Nazi period about the forced labourers and how they think today about the local history of forced labour.

Accommodation: In a house of the German Red Cross (Local group Holzhausen); Self-catering

Requirements: Open-minded; able and willing to do physical excavations; open for new perspectives; interested in the topic and intercultural encounters; high English skills. This Workcamp is applicable only for Russian, Ukrainian and German volunteers.Due to funding restrictions, we can only accept volunteers who are under 27 years of age.

Approximate Location: Georgsmarienhütte is a village close to the city of Osnabrück, near the border to the Netherlands

Notes: Excursions to Osnabrueck and to the Netherlands are planned as well.

Organization Description: This workcamp is organized by the German branch of Service Civil International (SCI). SCI Germany was founded in 1946 and is approved as a non-profit organisation. We are one of the oldest peace and volunteer organisations. SCI Germany aims to promote peace, non-violence, international solidarity, social justice, sustainable development and cross-cultural exchange through international voluntary work. We cooperate with a network of branches and partners in more than 90 countries. Every year, SCI Germany organizes about 50 international workcamps in Germany. 

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