Літня програма “DESY” для студентів природничих спеціальностей

Студенти, які закінчили як мінімум третій курс у галузі фізики та споріднених природничих наук, можуть подаватися на цю програму.

Місце: Zeuthen, Hamburg, Німеччина.

Дати: 17 липня – 6 вересня 2018 року.

Дедлайн: 31 січня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Each summer DESY offers undergraduate students in physics or related natural science disciplines the possibility to participate in the research activities of the laboratory. In 2018 the program takes place from July 17 to September 6.

Selected candidates join in the day-to-day work of research groups at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg or Zeuthen (Berlin) and participate in one of these activities.
While the work in the groups is the main activity, there will also be a series of lectures (given in English) related to the research done at DESY. Visits to the accelerators and experiments are also included in this programme.
If you want to apply please check if you fulfill the conditions.

The application period for the 2018 programme will be 18 Dec 2017 – 31 Jan 2018.

An announcement poster can be found here.


  • Please take note that due to regulations for paid traineeships in Germany we can only accept students that are enrolled at their university for the whole period of the summerstudent programme.
  • Applicants should have completed, by the summer of 2017, three years of full-time studies at university level in physics or related natural science disciplines. The main target audiences are students who in summer 2017 are at the following two stages (or in between):
    – they are about to obtain their Bachelor degree
    – they have a Bachelor degree and are about to finish their first year of studies for Master degree.
    Applicants who already obtained a master-degree or will obtain the master degree in 2017 are not accepted.
  • A good knowledge of English is essential.
  • Applicants should not have previously been at DESY as a summer student

Allowances: DESY Summer Students will be paid a subsistence allowance to cover living expenses for a single person.
Travel expenses:Travel expenses will be subsidized.


Джерело: https://summerstudents.desy.de/


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