Бельгія: термінова волонтерська вакансія

Шукаємо учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) в Кастерлі, Бельгія. Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: 17.01.2022 – 16.12.2022.

Opportunity: European Solidarity Corps “De Hoge Rielen 2022 

Dates: 17.01.2022 – 16.12.2022 (11 months)

Location: Kasterlee, Belgium

Hosting Organization:  De Hoge Rielen

About organization:

De Hoge Rielen is a youth centre that offers quality accommodation (buildings and camp grounds) to
groups and individuals. De Hoge Rielen has a major asset: it’s pure nature. Respect for the environment
is very important here. As well as adventure, playing in the woods and educational, adventurous and
sports activities. No one will ever have a dull moment here!

De Hoge Rielen was once a military domain. Today, freedom is the dominant force here. Whatever
people want to do: we will do everything possible to boost creativity and stimulate initiatives of our

Our forest is one of the largest children’s and youth domains in Flanders, it’s over 230 ha. It’s a delightful
destination for people with a youthful spirit. Each group has its own spot on the domain. Young people
come to de Hoge Rielen for multiday group activities, a youth camp, with school, for welcome days or a training. The domain offers many possibilities such as sleeping accommodations, camping facilities and campfire places, nature to play and hike in, a theatre, a sports hall, a bar and a restaurant.

De Hoge Rielen is located outside the small municipality of Kasterlee, in the province of Antwerp. Kasterlee is situated in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. Dutch will also be the main language used during the project.

Learning opportunities for the volunteer:

  • Getting to know the different aspects (organization, impact, partners…) of youth work in Belgium
  • Learning how to work in a team (by setting up small scale projects together)
  • Learning how to guide different youth groups and how to prepare activities and workshops
  • Learning new communication skills
  • Getting to know yourself better and increasing self-confidence
  • Gaining experience in your specific field of expertise
  • Expanding your network with connections all over Europe
  • Getting more respect for (inter)cultural diversity and different people
  • Building work experience in a non-formal learning context
  • Learning to speak Dutch

Role of the volunteer:

  • Increasing the interculturality in the organization
  • Being himself/herself but open to other cultures, values and norms
  • Giving new impulses and ideas
  • Supporting the daily activities of the different services, as there are:
    – helping at the reception and informing groups about their stay
    – exploit the lending service
    – making deliveries to the groups
    – assisting in the technical service of the domain
    – keeping the bar open
    – guiding groups in activities and workshops
    – guiding the rope course and activities in the climbing forest.

We educate each volunteer in all of these tasks. However, we are looking for some different profiles, with specific interests in some tasks on our domain. We’ll try to get together a mixed team of different profiles, with whom we can differentiate in talents and competences in our project. In your motivation letter, you can let us know which focus would interest you most


Volunteers live on the domain in 2 compact houses, near the reception. Each house has separate
bedrooms, a shared bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. Meals are available in the restaurant.
Budget is provided for shopping at the nearest supermarket. The volunteers receive pocket money,
travel support and extra food allowance. All travel costs of the trip coming here and going home are
covered. If necessary, visa costs will be paid by de Hoge Rielen. We provide any practical support:
internet, laundry, transport. All basic facilities are foreseen.

Відгук волонтерки з проекту в організації De Hoge Rielen

Deadline: ASAP

Please, fill out the google form here:

If you have any questions, please, write us to

N/B Candidates from Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region will receive the preference. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis.

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe.European Solidarity Corps covers: accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.

The young people who participate in the European Solidarity Corps will all agree with and uphold its Mission and Principles.

You can register for the European Solidarity Corps when you are 17 years old, but you cannot start a project until you are over 18. European Solidarity Corps projects will be available to people up to the age of 30 years old.


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