Літнє стажування для студентів-біологів

Літня програма у Барселоні запрошує учасників. Усього передбачено 5 місць.

Дати: 4 червня – 3 серпня.

Дедлайн – 2 квітня 2018 року.

Детальний опис англійською:

Description of the Programme

The Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) launches the 6th Summer Internship Program to provide undergraduate students and master students the opportunity to conduct summer research at the CRG. The goal of the programme is to encourage students, from any nationality, in the pursuit of a scientific career and to introduce them to an international laboratory experience.

A maximum of 5 internship positions will be awarded in 2018.

The programme runs for a total of 8 weeks starting first week of June (4th-8th) 2018 and finalizing the last week of July (30th – 3rd August) 2018. The call is open to undergraduate and master students of any nationality. The student will be working under the supervision of a group leader or a senior member of the research group.

Eligibility criteria undergraduates

  • Undergraduates with an excellent academic record and a strong interest in biosciences and biomedical research (prior lab experience is highly recommended) who are in their final two years of studies in the Life Sciences or related subjects (e.g. Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Chemistry).
  • Two full years (4 semesters) of college course work completed by the time the internship commences.
  • Candidates may not have received an undergraduate degree at the time of the internship (Summer 2018).
  • Candidates may not have previously obtained a “CRG Summer Internship”.
  • High level of English.

ligibility criteria master students

  • Master students with an excellent academic record and a strong interest in biosciences and biomedical research (prior lab experience is highly recommended) who are currently enrolled in a master in an accredited university and after the summer internship.
  • Candidates may not have previously obtained a “CRG Summer Internship”
  • High level of English

Positions will be awarded on a competitive basis taking into consideration the student’s academic records and the motivation & reference letter(s). Each student will be matched with a specific laboratory based on the student’s interest and background.


The summer training will consist of 320 working hours (40 hours/ week), distributed over 8 weeks from the first week of June (4th-8th June) to last week of July (30th– 3rd August). The intensive nature of the program requires a full-time commitment from the participant. Students are required to participate in all scheduled activities.

Application Process

Applications for the CRG Summer Internship Program are accepted exclusively online through our online application system. Candidates must prepare their online application in English.

The application will include the following information:

  • The registration form duly completed.
  • Your most recent academic transcript, which should include the title of the courses you have completed thus far and the grades you received.
  • Description of your interest for life sciences research, what you hope to gain through your participation in the CRG Summer Internship Programme, your vision of what the summer internship will benefit you on a personal and academic level, and the reasons behind your choice.
  • Candidates will be asked to provide contact details of at least one referee. Then the online system will send an email to the referee with the steps to follow to be able to upload the reference letter to your registration form.
  • You will not be able to submit the form if all the required documentation is not included.
  • Candidates are encouraged to check information (http://www.crg.eu/content/research/faculty-members) regarding the lab and the Group Leader before selecting one in the form.

All the information must be submitted by the application deadline. Applications received after 2nd April 2018 will not be considered.


  • All selected candidates: 400€/month
  • If the candidate is not from Barcelona: 1 return ticket to the student’s place of residence
  • Meal vouchers (lunch/working days) for the 8-week period
  • Medical and accident insurance for the training period only in case the University of origin does not provide the student with it.

Джерело: http://www.crg.eu/en/content/training-undergraduates/crg-summer-internship-programme/#A2

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