Confucius Institute Scholarship 2020 в Китаї

Що: Confucius Institute Scholarship 2020

Університет: East China Normal University це стипендія на навчання у Східно-китайському педагогічному університеті для бажаючих отримати ступінь бакалавра, магістра або доктора наук.

Де: Китай

Фінансування: стипендія покриває вартість навчання, проживання, страхування, щомісячні виплати на особисті витрати від 2500 CNY

Дедлайн: 10 листопада

Вимоги до аплікантів:

  • Non-Chinese citizens
  • Be in good physical and mental conditions and wih good academic performance and conduct
  • Committed to the Chinese language education and related work
  • Between the ages of 16-35 on September 1st, 2020. Applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers shall not be over 45, while undergraduate student applicants shall not be over 25


The scholarship provides full coverage on tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance (four-week study students are excluded) and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.

  • Tuition is under the overall planning and utilization of host institutions to provide teaching and management of scholarship students organizing cultural and social activities, as well as organizing Chinese language proficiency tests. Tuition fee does not cover the textbook expenses and tourist tickets.
  • Accommodation fee is under the overall planning and utilization of host institutions to provide students with in-campus apartments (usually double rooms). Students hoping to live off-campus should apply to the university and receive the off-campus permission from the university. Then the accommdation allowance for PhD student is RMB1,000 per month per person and other scholarship students is RMB700 per month per person.
  • The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-academic-year study students and one-semester students is 2,500 CNY per person. For MTCSOL student, the monthly allowance is 3,000 CNY per person. For PhDTCSOL student, the monthly allowance is 3,500 CNY per person.

Students are required to complete enrollment procedures for every semester within stipulated period; otherwise, their scholarship may be cancelled. Students who are enrolled before the 15th (or on the 15th) of the month are entitled to the full allowance of that month while those enrolled after the 15th of that month are only entitled to half of the amount.

During the study period, for any student who is absent from China due to personal reasons for more than 15 days (excluding winter and summer holidays), the allowance during absence will be suspended.

For students who suspend study or drop out of school for personal reasons, or who are given disciplinary punishment by the host institutions, allowance will be terminated on the date of such suspension, dropping out or when the decision of such punishment is announced.

The living allowance for the month of graduation will be granted half a month after the date of graduation or expiration day of the study confirmed by host institutions.

Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the host institutions in accordance with relevant regulations of studying in China stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. Insurance fee per person is 160 CNY for four-week study students, 400 CNY for one-semester students, and 800 CNY per year for students engaged in program longer than one academic year.


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