IV Міжнародна конференція молодих учених в Азербайджані

29 – 30 квітня в Баку, Азербайджан, відбудеться Міжнародна конференція молодих учених, на яку запрошуються учасники з усього світу. Участь можуть брати дослідники з таких спеціальностей: інженерія, природничі науки, економіка, філологія, історія і право. Участь є безкоштовною, але учасники мають самостійно покрити витрати, пов’язані з проживанням та перельотом.

Дедлайн для подачі заяв: 29 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

Qafqaz University organizes “IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers” on April 29-30, 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The conference aims to get young researchers interested in different fields of science, to bring together young researchers and scientists from various universities, research centers, and institutions, to share their experiences with others, to analyze the problems they face, to discuss the common problems and provide opportunity to put forward proposals.

Research Track. “IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers” invites authors to submit their abstracts in the following five research areas: Engineering, Natural Sciences, Economics, Philology, History and Law. 

Terms & Conditions

  • The abstract should include: the name of the abstract in UPPERCASES, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, email and the text.
  • Technical parameters should be: the word limits- 500-750 words for Natural Sciences and Engineering, 750-1000 words for Social Sciences, Pedagogy, and History and Law, font size 12 Times New Roman, 25 mm from left, right.
  • The abstracts should be in one of the following languages: Azerbaijan, Turkish, English or Russian.
  • The abstract submission steps: first, the registration form should be filled up on the conference website from “registration” heading. Second, the abstracts are submitted through the “abstract submission” heading by typing a username and a password. The username and password are the email and surname an applicant is submitted under the “registration” heading of the conference website.  After signing in from the “abstract submission”, the abstracts are submitted through the “submit your abstract ” button on the right by filling the required fields including the abstract title, abstract language, the research field etc.  The applicants can summit several abstracts through the same account. Please, visit the conference website on  yric.az

The abstracts submitted through the website will be given three responses by the several anonymous reviews: successful, unsuccessful or revise needed. The applicants should revise their “revise needed” abstracts before the deadline, and re-submit them on the “resubmission” button. Otherwise, the “revise needed” abstracts will be considered unsuccessful.  The abstracts submitted through emails will not be considered.

The abstracts should contain innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness. The Scientific Committee of anonymous reviewers will evaluate the submitted abstracts.

The list of the accepted abstracts will be given after March 30 2016 on the conference website the abstracts are submitted through.


The Conference is free of charge. The Organizing Committee will provide launches, the conference materials, and city tours to Baku. The participants should cover the other expenses including accommodation, international travels. The Organizing Committee will provide accommodation for the prospective international participants, whose nationality is not Azerbaijani upon the request. Please, contact Ms. NuraneHamidova at nhemidova@qu.edu.az,for further information.


The submission of an abstract is required to participate at the Conference.  The abstracts should be submitted only through the conference website. The abstracts sent through the email will not be considered. Please, register and submit your abstracts through the website below.

Джерело: http://yric.az/en/index.html


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