Стипендія на навчання в коледжі Concord у Великобританії

Стипендія Ентоні Морріса призначена для школярів старших класів, які не мають можливості оплатити навчання в університеті. Заявка подається за 14 місяців до початку навчання.

To apply for an Anthony Morris Scholarship the candidate must apply for a Sixth Form boarding place following the normal admissions process.

Дізнатися більше про весь процес подачі документів: Boarding Application Process.

The candidate must also submit the following documentation to the Admissions Secretary:

  • The Anthony Morris Scholarship Application Form (Подати заявку)
  • A personal statement describing the applicant’s objectives, career/university aspirations, extra-curricular activities and their level of community involvement
  • Reference letter from the current school Principal/Head Teacher
  • Evidence of academic potential
  • Certified copies of certificates and transcript
  • A recent passport sized photograph

Completed scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Board of the Anthony Morris Foundation.

Candidates who complete the first stage of the application process will be invited for interview – a Skype interview and in-country interview will be required.

In-country assessment of financial eligibility will then be carried out.

Successful applicants will receive a formal offer letter from the Principal.

Unsuccessful applicants may continue to apply for a fee paying place at Concord.

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