Тренінг “Community Media for Activate Citizenship”

Харківська організація “Stella” шукає учасників для тренінгового курсу, на якому будуть заторкнуті теми медіа та активної участі в громадських процесах

Місце: Nicosia, Cyprus

Дати: 3 – 11 вересня 2015 року.

Тривалість: 7 днів

Дедлайн: 26 липня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Active participation of young people is always in need to stimulate new initiatives and creative approaches, and community media is a field to be explored to make things happen. Community media is the media of the people, with the aim to empower civil society organizations and community groups with the tools to communicate their message to a wider audience. We now live in a digital age where tools, and especially those used in community media, should be utilized in every day youth work, to promote and support youth participation in their respective communities. And to outreach to the wider population, promoting their projects and raising community awareness.

The main aim of this project is to develop competencies of youth workers to support active citizenship of young people in community contexts through use of social media tools and methodologies.

Main objectives:

  • To explore active citizenship from participants own experience and the resources and opportunities available to address issues of concern through democratic, civil and civic engagement
  • To explore possibilities for utilization of Community Media for youth activism
  • To reflect on non-formal education and its methods and their applicability within Community Media setting
  • To develop creative and attractive ways to apply Community Media for youth activism, with a special emphasis on civic engagement
  • To identify local opportunities for community engagement and to design and develop an action plan for use of Community Media in the local context.

Eligible countries: Cyprus (HOSTING), Spain, Malta, UK, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Italy. Participation fee is 20 euros per participant. (to be paid in Cyprus)
Food and accommodation: 100% provided, 100% of participant´s travel costs from your home town to the project venue, within the valid budget – 275 euro
Conditions: yearly membership fee – 20 euro

If interested, please send your CV and application form to info@ngo-stella.org

Application form: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36933240/Application%20form%20CMAC%20-%20Cyprus%20-%20Sep%202015.docx

Джерело: https://vk.com/club74617608

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