Стипендія на навчання в Clark University (США)

Стипендія Clark Global Scholars Program призначена для тих, хто бажає навчатися на програмах бакалаврату в Clark University.

Clark merit scholarships

If you are an international student applying to your first year of undergraduate study at Clark University, you could be eligible for merit scholarships offered by the University.

When you send in your admissions application, you will be considered automatically for several merit scholarships. Our Presidential LEEP Scholarship and Global Scholars Program Scholarship require separate applications; however, the rest of our merit scholarships do not.

Your eligibility for scholarships depends on your academic achievement (those indicated on your application for admission), not on your family need. However, international students who may qualify for scholarships are still expected to demonstrate the ability to cover a significant percentage of the cost of their education. This includes students who wish to be considered for the Presidential LEEP Scholarship or the Global Scholars Program. On average, international students at Clark pay $25,000 to $45,000 per year.

If you are awarded a merit scholarship, you will be notified when you receive your admissions decision.

Below are the merit scholarships offered to entering first-year international students at Clark University.

Про інші види стипендій цього університету для бакалаврату читай тут

Дедлайн: 15 листопада 2019
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