Тренінги на тему соціальної економіки у Чехії та Вірменії

ВАМС “Альтернатива” шукає учасників на тренінговий курс “SOCIAL ECONOMY IN PRACTICE”, який пройде протягом трьох етапів у Вірменії та Чехії.

Деталі нижче англійською мовою:

The project bring together information that comes from years of research to gain it in a complex way in one training at one place, all systemically connected information from the sphere of SE. Most of the trainings focus only on parts of it, very often only on Social Entrepreneurship, but SE (also called the Third sector) consists of much more approaches, from known Cooperatives, the non-profit sector, through Social Enterprises, including Social Business, to less known complementary economic systems; complementary currencies, LETS and Time Banks. All these approaches are flexible to adapt, and they can be instrumental and efficient, but they work and help only if people need them and trust in them; therefore, it is critical to select, adapt and use the most appropriate one.

Structure of the course:

1) Training – Armenia – 30/11- 07/12/2020

The training will focus on the basics of the SE approaches. From background knowledge of civil society and economic terms through mainstream approaches such as NGO sector, Social Entrepreneurship, CSR etc. to non-mainstream ones, which are, for example, complementary currencies, time banks, LETS, sharing systems etc

2) Homework – December-February

Period will give participants time in their home setting to find a solution to a social problem of their choosing from the knowledge they gained on A1. They will also create case studies according to the provided template.

3) Project Seminar – Hradec Kralove, The Czech Republic – 20/02 – 26/02/2021

The project making seminar will be focused on the evaluation of solutions and case studies proposed by participants and making those proposals real projects they can implement and (fund, if necessary) straight after their return home. The seminar will be divided into three main parts—analysis of homework and related case studies, study visits, and planning and creation of own projects.

Please note – you MUST be able to participate on both events and be willing to be fully involved in the homework phase. It is not possible, that a participant takes part only in one of parts. The programme depends on it and one activity does not make sense without the other.

Profile of the participant:

  • Would like to learn more about Social Economy
  • Wants to make an impact and a change in the local area where (s)he lives
  • Will participate in all 3 phases
  • Has a good knowledge of English
  • Age 18+

Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the rules of the Erasmus+ distance.

Travel and Health Insurance is the responsibility of participants.

Please note that there will be 20€ deposit, which will be charged against reimbursement at the first activity, but returned at second phase of the TC.

Participation fee – 1200 UAH.

To apply for this project, please fill in the form https://cutt.ly/xpwgNm7 by 16/08/2020.

Looking forward to receive your applications!

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