Молодіжний обмін “Chance for Change”

НГО “Go On” оголошує про відбір учасників на крутезний молодіжний обмін, який відбудеться 21 – 26 серпня у гірській місцевості у Великобританії. Проект відбуватиметься на природі і матиме на меті розвиток особистих якостей учасників.

Дедлайн – 25 липня.

Детальний лпис англійською:

Open Call for Ukrainian participants, for Youth Exchange “Chance for Change” at Striding Edge Mountain (UK), 21st to 26th August 2017. Deadline to apply – 25.07.2017

The programme will target young people aged 18 – 28 years in an outdoor personal development programme which will develop skills that are directly translatable to solving problems in real life situations. The project will develop interpersonal, team work, budgeting, cooking, planning, logistics and health and well-being. The participants will be identified and well selected based on criteria that is evidenced as effective by the Rites of Passage programme currently running in the UK.
The programme is designed to build skills, knowledge and personal qualities, including:

  • taking responsibility for self and others
  • communicating well
  • building confidence
  • solving problems
  • planning for and managing risks
  • building autonomy and resilience
  • preparing for work and a career

Reimbursement Limits: 360 euro – travel grant; 100% coverage of the hotel and food.
Participation fee: 40 euro.

Find detailed information on https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B49WRRABeLtLNFF3RVE3cmpKT2M and send us your motivation letter until 25.07.2017 on anastasia.burdyuzha@gmail.com

Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/go.on.ukraine/posts/236404810200765

Фото – Nick Abrams

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