Тренінговий курс “Challenge!”

НГО “Go On” шукає учасників тренінгового курсу, зо відбудеться в Badalona, Іспанія, з 24 по 30 жовтня 2017 року.

Дедлайн – 5 вересня 2017 року.

CHALLENGE! is a training course that consists of addressing the challenge that education truly is a holistic concept, where people are the protagonists. This requires that academic education, the non-formal one and informal also, join efforts against the major problems that society deals with.

Segregation, the different forms of alienating hedonism, diversity management, and new urban challenges are some of the answers that education has to offer right now everywhere in the world. This need requires that the various dimensions of education (formal, non-formal and the informal) complement each other in a single response to these challenges.

CHALLENGE! Tackling the challenges offering strategies of team work between the different levels of education, starting this time paradigm and foundation of non-formal education, and offering its resources and methodology.

Reimbursement Limits: 330 euro – travel grant; 100% coverage of the hotel and food.

Participation fee: 40 euro.

Find detailed information on https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B49WRRABeLtLLTRWUnVNRlJWVE0 send us the application form and CV until 05.09.2017 on ukraine.go.on@gmail.com

Джерело: https://www.facebook.com/go.on.ukraine/

Фото –Justin Young

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