Central European University запрошує на літній курс

Центрально-Європейський університет у Будапешті запрошує українських студентів на літній курс з теми «Політична психологія: ідеологія та партизанство». Надається можливість отримати стипендію.

Детальна інформація – англійською мовою нижче.

CfA – Postgraduate summer course “Political Psychology: Ideology and Partisanship” at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, 16 July – 25 July, 2019

This course aims at introducing participants to the main methods in political psychology, focusing on substantive topics that have pressing importance in our days, both in the Americas and Europe, including: authoritarianism, intergroup relations, group cohesion, political persuasion, framing, and many others. Our first aim is to introduce students to a quickly developing field of research; these critical issues can be understood at a psychological level, mostly, but not exclusively, through the use of surveys and experiments. Second, we wish to help developing students’ research skills by providing room for hands-on activities where participants are encouraged to have practice with designing and carrying on research on such topics using the methods taught in the course. Third, we also aim to continue growing the political psychology research communities in CEE, giving participants a chance to interact with top-level scholars in these areas, from Europe, Israel, and America.

The course features seminars on methods and substantive topics, round table discussions on publishing and grant writing, practical research design and implementation workshops, and students’ own project presentations.

First application deadline: March 18, 2019.

Apply: https://summeruniversity.ceu.edu/polipsy-2019

Latest news and updates: https://www.facebook.com/ceu.summer 

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