Літня програма в Ко

Приймаються заявки на участь у літній програмі з побудови миру у Швейцарії.

Дедлайн: 19 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

We are accepting applications for our summer peacebuilding programme in Switzerland. Caux Scholars Program (CSP) is one month academic programme that teaches students how to be peacebuilders in every facet of their lives. The programme is set in the serene foothills of the Swiss Alps—in Caux, Switzerland, above the world famous Montreux. The cornerstone of CSP’s curriculum is highlighting the need for personal transformation in order to find true reconciliation and sustainable solutions to conflicts. The uniqueness of the programme is that it applies global concepts to local contexts, and links conflict theories to personal change. While the students learn how to resolve conflicts, it also makes them confront their prejudices and inner demons, often by having them come face to face with people that are supposed to be their enemies.

Twenty students from around the world are selected for this four-week course. The programme includes approximately 40 hours of academic classes, seven hours per week of ‘Service for Leadership’ practical work, a field trip to Geneva and participation in the Caux conferences. Our scholars will be organizing a conference called Just Governance for Human Security as a part of their learning experience.

Frequently practitioners see conflict resolution, development and humanitarian relief as distinct areas of practice. In reality, these fields are intrinsically intermingled. Embracing a conflict transformation lens can make humanitarian and development projects more sustainable. CSP trains practitioners of mainstream conflict transformation and transitional justice perspectives to improve their work, regardless of their programmatic specialty.

Dates: 26 June – 24 July, 2016
Participation: Limited to 20 students
Application deadline: February 19, 2016

Contact Jitka Hromek-Vaitla (link sends e-mail) for more information.



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1 Відповідь

  1. 22 Січня, 2016

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