Реєструйся на волонтерські табори в онлайн-форматі! Організатори – SCI Germany, а відправляюча організація в Україні – ВАМС “Alternative-V”.
1. DE-SCI 1.33 “Let’s make sound in the silence” (which usually takes place in Ravensbrück).
Ravensbrueck Memorial Museum keeps traces and records, enhances remembrance and research, and creates a place of active learning and get-togethers. Because of the worldwide situation, the 2020-Ravensbrück-Workcamp will be digital.

When? 09.08.- 23.08.2020

Type of work? Translation and transcribing of source material for the Ravensbrück Archive.
2. DE-SCI 1.26 ”What remains? Digital traces of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial”.
Today the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial is a place of memory, information, education and research. Above that it is a result of political conflicts from the post war time until today. Two prisons had been erected on the former concentration camp area so that the majority of the site was not accessible to the public for a long time.
The first workcamp in 1982 laid out the first route through the former concentration camp grounds and set up information boards.

Type of work? This first digital work camp will focus on the digital traces of visitors of the concentration camp memorial site from all over the world, which they left behind in social media.
The volunteers will research which different sources of information can be found when people in different countries search online for the history of the Neuengamme concentration camp.
Another task will be to create Wikipedia entries on the subject of the Neuengamme concentration camp in different languages, or supplement existing entries. Moreover also to write articles for the local newspaper.
The results and experiences will be documented in a blog or a similar tool.

When? 05.08.- 19.08.2020 (videoconference on 6 days: 5, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 19.08.)

Who can apply? Everybody. English language skills are required.

How to apply? Please fill in the form following the link:
https://cutt.ly/gyV4j6x and send it to
alternative.v.pr@gmail.com. Also if you have any questions, don`t hesitate to write to this email address.
SCI Germany has prepared a digital version of a well-known workcamp DE-SCI 1.37 “Searching for Traces of Forced Labour: a Digital Photography Project”.

That is the opportunity for everybody, no matter borders and travel restrictions because it goes digitally. Don’t miss this opportunity, just read a description and apply!

What? The Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre is located in Berlin on the grounds of an almost completely intact former forced labour camp. It focuses on a forgotten victim group: civilian forced labourers from all over Europe forced to work for the Nazi regime during the Second World War. At the core of the project is a photographic exploration of the past and present aspects of forced labour.

When? 17.08.- 28.08.2020

The online meetings will take place between 12:00-14:00 GMT every day. There will be no meetings on 23.08.

Where? Digitally

Type of work? In the first part, international volunteers will learn more about forced labour during National Socialism and get an introduction to photography by a professional photographer. In the second part, the volunteers will be invited to search for traces of forced labour in their home countries. They will be documenting their results with the camera. As a result of the project, the photos and the volunteers’ stories will become part of an exhibition that will be shown in the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre.

Who can apply? Everybody

How to apply?

English language skills are required.
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