Збір статей до англомовного журналу з українознавства

Оголошується збір статей до англомовного рецензованого журналу. Дедлайн подачі тез – 1 червня 2016 року.

Докладний текст запрошення англійською мовою:

This is a call for paper proposals for a Special Issue «Civil Society in post-Euromaidan Ukraine», to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal of Ukrainian studies.

Post-soviet civil societies have been widely regarded as passive and undeveloped due to the legacies of post-communist past. However, Ukraine’s civil society is seen as a frontrunner on the post-soviet space and traditionally has been more developed than its state institutions.

During the Euromaidan protests of 2013-2014, which were an explosion of civic activism, solidarity and horizontal initiative, and the subsequent occupation of Crimea and armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, the dichotomy between Ukraine’s state institutions and civil society became even more acute. While state institutions had demonstrated incapacity to perform their basic functions – up to a total collapse of their structures in the east, Ukrainian civil society was fast in taking over numerous tasks from state authorities. Since the Euromaidan, civil society in Ukraine has become involved in many spheres of public life: from volunteering in army and for army to aiding conflict-affected population, from advocacy for reforms and technical assistance to the government to turning into agents of change within the government by joining national and local politics and public administration.

Up until now there have been no systemic attempts to assess the effects of this explosion of civic activism on Ukraine’s state and society. This volume seeks to identify and examine various trends in Ukraine’s civil society post-Euromaidan in the broader context of country’s political development and situate those within the scholarly debate on the role of civil society in democratisation, state-building and conflict resolution. It aims to offer analysis and reflection upon Ukrainian civil society efforts to promote democracy and sustainable peace.

The volume will cover a wide range of aspects of Ukraine’s civil society development approached from various theoretical and methodological perspectives. We seek contributions addressing but not limited to one of the following themes:

  • Civil society and the state: the role of civil society in state-building in Ukraine;
  • Civil society and society at large: citizens’ participation in civil society organisations; popular mobilisation and social movements; professionalization of grass-root initiatives; ‘elite’ civil society vs. ‘grassroots’ civil society;
  • Civil society and politics: changing ‘the system’ from inside and outside;
  • Civil society and conflicts in Ukraine: territorial, political, religious, ethnic, local and regional.

Interested authors are invited to submit their paper proposals, including an abstract of up to 300 words, three to five keywords, full names, affiliations and contact details of the author(s) by 1 June 2016. Please send your proposal simultaneously to Dr. Olga Burlyuk at olga.burlyuk@ugent.be, Dr. Natalia Shapovalova at natalka.shapovalova@gmail.com and Kateryna Zarembo at kateryna.zarembo@gmail.com. Papers should be original works that have not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere. All papers should be in English. Successful applicants will be informed by 20 June  2016.


 Dr. Olga Burlyuk, olga.burlyuk@ugent.be

Dr. Natalia Shapovalova, natalka.shapovalova@gmail.com

Kateryna Zarembo, kateryna.zarembo@gmail.com






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