Літня школа для біологів в університеті Цюриха

Університет Цюриха пропонує інтенсивну літню програму з 1 липня до 31 серпня. До участі запрошуються студенти-бакалаври.

Дедлайн – 1 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Zurich Biology Undergraduate Summer School (BUSS) gives undergraduate students in the Life Sciences the chance to perform a significant research project in one of the participating laboratories of the University of Zurich or the ETH Zurich. Thanks to the intense curriculum of the BUSS, participating students not only become familiar with laboratory methods and theoretical principles, but also gain skills in scientific reasoning and scientific communication.

The BUSS is taught in English. Participation is open to all students during their Bachelor (BSc) studies. The program will cover travel expenses and housing costs of participants from abroad and from other Swiss universities. Participants from Zurich will be supported with a small in cash contribution covering some of their local expenses.

Besides the scientific and educational curricula, BUSS features an all inclusive three days retreat on the Swiss countryside, visits to Swiss research and science institutions, as well as a kick-off and closing event.

Start date: July 1, 2018
End date: August 31, 2018
Duration: 9 weeks


Interested candidates should submit:

  • a completed application
  • a curriculum vitae (CV)
  • transcripts of completed university courses
  • a letter of recommendation from a teacher or research supervisor

Time for applications: January 1 – March 1, 2018

Джерело: http://www.biologie.uzh.ch/de/Studium/UndergraduateSummerSchool.html

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