Літній університет в Бухаресті

Студенти з усього світу запрошуються до участі в літньому університеті “Public Value, Politics and Public Management in the European Union”.

Дати: 14 – 28 серпня 2016 року.

Місце: Бухарест, Румунія.

Дедлайн: 1 липня для тих, хто хоче отримати стипендію; 12 липня для інших аплікантів.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students’ Union (US ASE), Alumni ASE Association, through the Students’ Senate, with the academic mentoring of the Faculty of Administration and Public Management (FAMP), having as educational partner the ‘Dan Voiculescu’ Foundation for Romania’s Development (FDVDR) gladly invites you to take part in one of this summer’s most interesting educational experiences: Bucharest Summer University 2016. This 12th edition of the international summer school, held annually in Bucharest, gathers students from all over the world to discuss different topics in the economics field.

The courses will take place between the 14th and 28th of August 2016. Together with speakers and professors from top universities and companies around the world, 55 participants will spend 2 weeks in the campus of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies including one extended weekend exploring particular destinations across the country.

Do not miss the chance to apply for this year’s experience!
It’s the perfect opportunity to discover a new country, a lot of new people from all around the world and to learn a lot of great information!


  • If you want to be taken into consideration for a Full Scholarship* you have to write an essay (1200 words in a Word document, written with Times New Roman, Size 12, Spacing 1,5) until the 1st of July (you will get the results on the 17th of July) on the following topic: The future of politics and public management in the European Union
  • If you want to apply for Partial Payment Application (290 euros)* then you have to add to your CV and Application Form, your letter of motivation and send them to us at   application@bsu.ase.ro until the 12th of July (you will get the results in two weeks after we will receive your application, but no later than 15th of July).
  • For a Total Payment Application (590 euros)* you have to add  your CVApplication Form and send them to us at  application@bsu.ase.ro until the 12th of July (you will get the results in five days after we will receive your application, but no later than 15th of July).

Джерело: http://bsu.ase.ro/

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