НГО “Стелла” шукає волонтера для довгострокового проєкту в Болгарії

✈️ Місце: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

? Дати: 21 September 2020 – 24 April 2021

Deadline: 29.08.2020


The main idea of the “ESCAPE: European Solidarity Corps Active Participation and Education” project is to create a learning environment for young people with fewer opportunities from EU and EaP countries to enter their path of social development and enhancing their social capital. At the same time, the project aims to contribute to the reinforcement of intercultural dialogue, promote solidarity, youth initiatives, active citizenship and European awareness in the area of Blagoevgrad and home countries of each volunteer. ESCAPE will be the fourth volunteering project of ABS providing a learning environment through non-formal methods such as learning by doing i.e. experiential learning. Previous volunteers started as a personal projects Chat Club, Stage invasion, Happy Mondays, etc. and already have over 120 different events self-managed and organised by volunteers.


Pocket and Food money: Volunteer will get pocket money every month: 90 euro (or the equivalent in Bulgarian currency) and food allowance:110 euro each month. The money will be transferred between 1 and 5th at the beginning of every month to the volunteers. Accommodation: Volunteer will be accommodated in a shared room with another volunteer (from the same sex) in their own flat, with new furniture, which is situated in a walking distance to our office and the city center. The flat has all the necessary facilities for living.

International ticket to and from Bulgaria will be covered within the limit of 275 euros.


Among activities offered to the volunteers are: support ABS communication channels including social media and communication with international partners, supporting organizations of international mobility activities such as trainings and youth exchanges, providing information about Erasmus+ and learning mobility to the local youth, organizing local social events / e.g. chat clubs/, language tandems and other interactive activities for young people, working with Eurodesk database and many others. Each volunteer will be encouraged to propose own personal project idea.


18-30 years old young person who is interested in volunteering projects. There will be given priority to unemployed, finished or excluded from the formal education system, or with economical difficulties youth. The most important criteria in the selection process will be the motivation of the participants. The communication level of English language skills and basic computer skills will be a plus.

More info about the project: http://tiny.cc/vqvqiz

 ✍️ Як подати заявку?

Для того, щоб подати заявку, заповніть анкету https://bit.ly/3h8VtaI на англійській мові

?Information about the Sending organization:


PIC: 947609200

OID: E10185376

Address: Lugovska 7/1, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61029

Contact person: Nika Bunziak

Email: evs@ngo-stella.org, info@ngo-stella.org

Accreditation number 2018-1-PL01-KA110-051769

Phone number: +380977156420, +380634883589

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