Болгарія: тренінговий курс з теми миру

Назва: Training course “Youth workers for Peaceful Conflict Transformation”

Коли: 12-20 November 2019

Де: Pamporovo, Bulgaria

Країни – партнери: Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Croatia and Romania.

Вимоги до учасника:

  • вік 18-30 років
  • молодіжний працівник, студент, тренер, волонтер, усі, хто активно беруть участь в молодіжній сфері


  • проживання та харчування покриваються організаторами
  • покриття оплати за квитки до 275 євро

Внесок за участь: 50 Euro.

Deadline: 09.09.2019

Application form: https://forms.gle/QEJ328BrEKfavvHq9

The main needs addressed by the project “Youth workers for Peaceful Conflict Transformation” are driven by the opportunity to bring together representatives of youth organizations coming from these “critical” countries of Europe that have been associated with persistent conflicts and accumulated tension for decades and aims at:

  1. To train youth workers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the transformation of conflicts.
  2. Promoting the universal understanding between young people across different countries
  3. Raise public and civil participation and encourage their active involvement in common causes
  4. To become a peace ambassadors in Europe and around the world!

All activities and methods will contribute to the process of non-formal learning and creating long-lasting understanding of the concepts, as well as sustainable motivation for applying of what is learnt and shared. The program methods follow the “learning through experience” model – debates, simulations, energizers, ice-breakers, communication games, learning and sharing activities, gamification, LEGO serious play, group discussions, coaching sessions, open space, etc. By means of debriefing in-depth learning and understanding of the subject matter will be ensured.


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