Волонтерський проект у Болгарії на рік

ESC проект “EnterpreneurSHIP-Grab on your wave” у м. Пловдів у Болгарії. Шукаємо учасників віком від 18 до 23 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC).

Title of the project: EnterpreneurSHIP-Grab on your wave

Dates: December 2021-February 2022 Till November 2022-January 2023

Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Hosting Organization: Smokinya Foundation

Check out our video about the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG1nw9x1t9U

What do you do?

  • support our everyday work in the office (development of activities, projects, events, school visits, coordination)
  • complimentary activity: take an active part in the creation of a social hub in Plovdiv!

What do you get?

  • be introduced to the organisation and will be trained how we work
  • get valuable experience in living and volunteering abroad
  • learn each different aspect of an organisation and how it works
  • contact and connect with other international volunteers
  • learn about, contact and cooperate with local schools and universities
  • support our administrative work
  • get trained in organising an event and organise your own

By helping us and doing all above you will practice important skills and competences like:

  • networking and support of local NGOs
  • organisation of events – workshops, trainings, seminars, public events, discussions
  • meeting local youth and promotion of mobility opportunities in EU
  • informal language classes to local youth
  • promotion of volunteering (European Solidarity Corps, Erasmus+ and Smokinya Foundation)
  • promotion of non-formal education, lifelong learning
  • media project (social networks, webpage, blog writing, visits in schools, universities, youth centres and organisations)
  • project management and coordination
  • project design and writing
  • leadership
  • cooperation
  • problem solving
  • critical thinking
  • strategical planning and more!

You will be supervised and mentored in a way to set your own goals and learn, practice, develop and master some important life skills and competencies like: team work, cooperation, learning to learn, time management, communication and coaching skills, project initiation from A to Z and much more! We want to train you in the things you are passionate about so you can learn much and grow personally and professionally.

Profile of participants

  • 20-29 years old
  • unemployed
  • in transition between two educational levels or career paths

During this year they will be full-time volunteers having a schedule of 35 hours per week.

Days off – volunteers get two consecutive free days per week + two extra days of holiday per month. In case that volunteer is working extra hours, they have the right to get these hours compensated.

Deadline for applications 30.06.2021You can fill the form from Pangeya Ultima

*Центр розвитку Пангея Ультіма зазначає свою готовність до захисту приватності аплікантів. Вся особиста інформація від аплікантів збиратиметься лише для обробки заявок на даний проект/подію, для комунікації із заявниками щодо логістики та організації відшкодувань. При необхідності вся чутлива інформація від аплікантів буде анонімізована на основі запитів від них. ЦР Пангея Ультіма обіцяє не розповсюджувати особисту інформацію заявників із іншими сторонами окрім як із особами прямо задіяними у процес організації даного проекту/події. Всі апліканти розуміють, що при наданні доступу до особистої інформації з цілю подання заявок на участь, вони автоматично надають організаторам згоду на обробку та зберігання власних персональних даних.  European Solidarity Corps covers accommodation, pocket money, money for food, transportation, insurance, visa assistance, training during the project and learning the national language.

*Development center Pangeya Ultima is fully committed to protecting all applicants’ privacy. Information collected will be only used for the purpose of processing the applications, communicating with selected participants, for logistics purposes and travel costs reimbursement. Where sensitive, all the personal details of the applicants will be anonymised upon request. DC Pangeya Ultima pledges not to pass on the collected information to any other party besides those who are directly involved in the organization of the above project/event. By submitting their applications and providing access to personal information all applicants understand that they automatically give consent to processing and storing of own personal data.


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