Заявка на стажування всліпу: нехай твоя кваліфікація говорить сама за себе

Наш партнер EntryPark надіслав нам інформацію про доволі цікавий конкурс для студентів – подача заявки на різноманітні оплачувані стажування за допомогою всього лише резюме. Деталі читайте в англійській версії новини.

Дедлайн: 11 грудня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Top employers offer secret international internships. You do not know for which internship or employer you could be the best fit, therefore you apply for all of them with only one CV/résumé. Let your qualifications speak for themselves!

More than an internship, with Blind Applying we aspire to help you discover opportunities in industries and employers you might have not thought before. We will not only let you know when Blind Applying opens up again, we will also send you interesting news about the campaign and the employers’ activities.

The application period for Blind Applying 2017 is now open!

Application deadline: December 11th, 2016 at 23:59 PM GMT

Useful information about Blind Applying

  • The Blind Applying internships are paid internships of minimum 3 months
  • Interns can receive additional support for their housing and traveling costs, according to the location of their internships
  • The Blind Applying internships are scheduled for late May – September. Exact internship dates & duration to be negotiated with the employers individually
  • For some internships, it is required that the intern is an enrolled student during their internship. Other opportunities may be open to young graduates
  • Application is open to all students and young graduates

Got more questions? Check out our FAQ section. You can also send us an e-mail and we will be happy to help you!
By applying for Blind Applying, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions

Джерело: http://www.blindapplying.com/sign-up


А якщо Ви не знаєте, як скласти ефектне резюме (але дуже хочете дізнатися:)), Вам у нагоді може стати наш онлайн-курс. Набір триває до 8 листопада.

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