Волонтерство у Бельгії

Волонтерство терміном на один рік, дедлайн подачі заявки: 23 жовтня.

BELGIUM – 1 year ESC volunteering, all expenses covered as in other European Solidarity Corps Projects.

The service RENFORTS in Marche-en-Famenne ->  01/02/2020 -> 31/01/2021 :

Theme 1: Disability

Theme 2: European awareness

Short description

The volunteer will take an active part into the staff work. S/he will  support and accompany the young adults with disabilities during their  daily activities. S/he will facilitate their investments in the tasks  realization.



To apply candidates must send us a specific motivation letter for this  project as well as a CV. Send before the 23th October 2019 to  evs@compagnonsbatisseurs.be and indicate in your e-mail that your sending organisation is Kharkiv NGO “Stella”.

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