Весняні молодіжні табори Бельгії

«Спілка Форум» шукає учасників для нових весняних таборів у Бельгії. До речі, більше по цій темі дізнайтеся в рубриці “Корисні статті” у матеріалі “Все, що ви хотіли знати про міжнародні волонтерські табори”.

JAVVA19-01 – Red Cross centre for asylum seekers of Yvoir

?Dates: 08/04 – 22/04/2019

?Location: Yvoir

Type: REFU

Age: 18-27

?Project: The centre for asylum seekers of Yvoir is one of the reception centres managed by the Red Cross in Belgium. Volunteers will take part in the community life of the centre and their tasks will consist on enlivens work of the surroundings and creation of a mural for one of the main centre’s staircase

❗️Додаткова вимога – мотиваційний лист

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/QybHQS


JAVVAVS19-01 – Festival Jam’In Jette

?Dates: 14/05-20/05/2019

?Location: Jette

Type: FEST

Age: 18-27

?Project: Join our “mini-workcamp” at the Festival «Jam’in Jette» and discover the inside of this unique world music festival in the heart of Europe! Volunteers will help on several aspects of the festival logistics at all the stages of the festival’s organisation.

❗️Додаткова вимога – мотиваційний лист

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/Uvpbni


JAVVA19-02 – Special Olympics Belgium

?Dates: 24/05 – 04/05/2019

?Location: between Sint Niklaas and Beveren


Age: 18-27

?Project: For the 40th edition of the Belgian Special Olympics, a competition hosting about 3400 athletes with intellectual disabilities, a workcamp will take place in the city of Beveren in order to help on several aspects of the logistics around the competition. Volunteers will also guide athletes for one of the disciplines during those National Games.

❗️Додаткова вимога – мотиваційний лист

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/2jbnKj


JAVVA19-03 – Clerheid School

?Dates: 09/06 – 22/06/2019

?Location: Erezee


Age: 18-27

?Project: Join the workcamp at «Clerheid School» in Erezée and help this educational organisation to promote human values like solidarity, respect, freedom among kids and teenagers! Volunteers will contribute to the improvement of the outdoor facilities to give the opportunity to the kids who come here in summer camps to experience an amazing time.

❗️Додаткова вимога – мотиваційний лист

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/gC7jjq


JAVVA19-04 – La CITE s’invente

?Dates: 13/06 – 26/06/2019

?Location: Saint-Léonard area of Liège


Age: 18-27

?Project: Join the workcamp at “La CITE s’invente” In the city of Liège and help this educational organisation to promote sustainable development through their eco-centre! Volunteers will contribute to the improvement of the outdoor facilities of the eco-centre and help with the organisation of a small festival.

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/V7HR7e



JAVVAMTV19-01 – Clerheid School

?Dates: 30/04 – 28/07/2018

?Location: Érezee


Age: 18-27

?Project: Join our MTV project at «Clerheid School» in Erezée and help this educational organisation to promote human values like solidarity, respect, freedom among kids and teenagers! Volunteers will help with the organisation of school camps and summer camps and will contribute to the improvement of the outdoor facilities.

❗️Додаткова вимога – мотиваційний лист

?ДЕТАЛЬНИЙ ОПИС табору за посиланням ➡️ https://goo.gl/Xt2Gec


?Для реєстрації потрібно заповнити реєстраційну анкету (VEF) в електронному вигляді (є в ФАЙЛАХ групи) та вислати нам на імейл ive@union-forum.org

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