Волонтерство у Польщі: проєкт “Be the Change”

Надзвичайно цікавий проект у Польщі соціального спрямування чекає на свого волонтера!

Увага: ідеальна можливість для тих, хто вже брав участь у короткостроковому волонтерстві!

Де: Kielce, Poland

Коли: September 2020 – July 2021 (10 months)

Дедлайн: 05/07/2020, 23:59

Our project “Be the Change” is approved and will start in September 2020. As usual, we will invite ESC volunteers for 10 months to work in our NGO – Volunteer Centre. Volunteers will be responsible for organizing different social actions (Living Library, One Billion Rising against hate, Human Rights Day, 16 Days against Gender Based Violence, Watch Docs movie festival and others).

You will have the opportunity to work with children in schools and kindergartens. You can change the local community, by promoting solidarity, multiculturalism, tolerance and European values.

What will you do?

Day to day tasks will vary greatly. Offering you the chance to improve your skills in many different areas, such as:

*Campaign for Human Rights

*Social media/general office tasks

*Local charity work

*Host international parties

*Explore Poland

*Host both creative and informative workshops

*Celebrate your achievements


We are looking for self initiative, motivated, communicative, creative, curious, social engaged and responsible young people (18-30 y.o.).

For more info check: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zzocvxm2j8yf5w3/Be%20The%20Change.pdf?dl=0

In order to apply, please send your CV and motivational letter in English to barbara.biskup83@gmail.com.

Don’t forget to indicate that your sending organization is KHARKIV NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACTIVE YOUTH “STELLA” (OID: E10185376).

Не чекайте останнього дня дедлайну – цей проект є одним з найкращих!

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