Стипендії на навчання на бакалавраті у Німеччині та Франції


Університети: Sciences Po (Франція), Freie Universität Berlin (Німеччина)

Фінансування: оплата 2 років навчання, грант $6000 в рік на проживання в кампусі університету Sciences Po в Нансі і грант $7000  на оплату проживання (2 роки) в кампусі університету Freie Universität Berlin

Дедлайн: 15 червня 2021

Офіційна сторінка стипендії


  • поступити на подвійну бакалавраську програму (ВА) в університеті Sciences Po, спільно з університетом Freie Universität Berlin
  • відмінна академічна успішність
  • есе на тему, мотиваційний лист

The Stephen M. Kellen Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract the brightest and most deserving students to the Dual BA program between Sciences Po and Freie Universität Berlin.

It encourages promising young individuals to commit to Europe by giving them the keys to law, economics, history, political science, and sociology; the opportunity to speak at least three languages; and the ability to navigate in both German and French cultures.

One Stephen M. Kellen Scholarship will be awarded each year starting in 2017. The Stephen M. Kellen scholarship covers two years of tuition fees at Sciences Po, in addition to a living allowance of $6.000/year for the two years spent on Sciences Po’s French-German European Campus in Nancy, and a living allowance of $7.000/year for the two years spent at the Otto-Suhr-Institut of Freie Universität.


The candidate must be admitted at Sciences Po’s dual BA with Freie Universität Berlin.

The Scholarship is awarded to a student who exemplifies the values promoted by Stephen M. Kellen:

  • Excellence – as reflected in academic achievement
  • Vision – as demonstrated through a written submission on a selected topic
  • Generosity – as shown in a commitment to service to others


Applicants must send the following to scholarship@usscpo.org, before 15 June 2021.

  • Completed application form (PDF, 44 Ko)
  • Personal statement. Considering Kellen’s commitment to Berlin, please describe your motivation to study in the city of Berlin (1,000 words) in English
  • Essay : What Angela Merkel’s exit means for the EU?  (1,500 words in English)


The Selection Committee is composed of one representative of the Anna Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, one representative of the US Sciences Po Foundation and one representative of Sciences Po.


Applicants will apply by 15 June 20201.


For more information, please contact Fabian Welt.


Download the Stephen M. Kellen scholarship brochure (PDF, 479 Ko)

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