Потрібні волонтери на довгострокові проекти в Австрію

Хороші австрійські партнери організації “Стелла” знову відкривають набір на два проекти, які розпочнуться у лютому 2020 року. Обидва проекти пов’язані з роботою у медіа центрі, комунікаціями та маркетингом.

❗️ ДЕЛАЙН ❗️ – 23 жовтня включно

? Місце – Зальзбург, Австрія

? Дати – 1 лютого 2020 – 31 січня 2021 (12 місяців)

? Вік: від 18 до 30 років

? Фінансування: цей проект фінансується Європейською Комісією, а отже витрати на транспорт, харчування, проживання та страхування фінансуються приймаючою стороною

? Лінк організації – http://tiny.cc/foyodz

Більше інформації про два проекти англійською мовою:

  1. International Center for New Media – http://tiny.cc/diyodz

Your tasks:

You support the team by writing e-mails, organizing press clippings, update the contact database and marketing materials, a.s.o. You should also be willing and able to travel and have fun working hands-on at events. Please notice that most of your work will be office-related.

What you should bring in:

The ICNM is interested in young persons who would like to bring their social and cultural experience into international projects (English speaking preferred). You should be willing to learn and to have a general interest in new media and e-contents. You need computer skills (at least office programs like word, excel, etc.); any experience with other programs (e.g. photoshop, wordpress, etc) is most welcome.

  1. FS1 – http://tiny.cc/5kyodz

The volunteer should support the staff in tasks such as: run errands, take care of the office supply, take care of the technical devices that can be rented, working with the programme makers. As soon as the volunteer is fully acquainted with the studio and the surrounding and s/he feels comfortable and able to do so s/he would be offered to develop an own project: e.g. initiate and produce an own programme together with other youth, emphasise on a cultural exchange between FS1 and other Community TV stations within Austria or with other countries (probably the country s/he comes from) and exchange ideas and broadcasts with them. If the volunteer wants to she/he can make his/her own contribution to the website or run his / her own blog.

What you should bring in:

The volunteer should have technical interest and interest in media. She/he should be motivated for creating own inputs for  the television, work independently and be creative. Some experience (study, job…) in media or cultural institutions would be fine, but is not necessary, because FS1 will qualify the volunteer in our “FS1 Academy”.

? How to apply ?

  1. Read carefully the description of the project.
  2. Write an individualized motivational letter, video, etc. in addition to your CV
  3. Send both your CV, an individual motivation letter, video etc. to volunteering.salzburg@akzente.net mentioning the project you apply for in the e-mail subject until the 23.10.19

Увага, загальні мотиваційні листи не будуть прийматися до розгляду!

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