EVS-проект “Asylum Centers in Valais”

НГО “СВІТ-Україна” шукає учасника для волонтерського проекту в Швейцарії. Дати проекту – березень 2018 – лютий 2019.

Дедлайн – 31 жовтня.

Детальний опис англійською:

Application procedure:

  • Please apply directly to SVIT-Ukraine with CV and motivation letter (projects@svit-ukraine.org).
  • Apply before 31st October 2017

The Asylum Office of the canton of Valais provides several centers in the region, where asylum seekers live, work and get education during the time they wait for their decision for a stay permit. The Asylum Office will host 3 volunteers. While two of them will work in “RADOS” in Sion, the other two will work in “Le Botza” in close-by Vétroz. “RADOS” is the center for unaccompanied minor refugees, “Le Botza” the centre for social and professional integration for refugees. 2 volunteers at “Le Botza” will have the opportunity to support the refugees in different workshops (restoration, carpenter, gardening, refurbishing, language and computer courses, cooking and housekeeping courses, sports etc.) and help them getting prepared for the Swiss job market. At “RADOS” the other 2 volunteers will be responsible for the entertainment and organisation of activities for unaccompanied minor refugees. They will also support the first registration office, which is located in the same building and is responsible for newly arrive refugees in the canton Valais. One task for both centers will be to help accompany the refugees to appointments (i.e. with doctor/ administrations), help with childcare, support some administrative work and organize events for the refugees.

Accommodation: The volunteers will live in two shared apartments in Sion (outside the asylum centers), including bath and kitchen.

Requirements: As asylum seekers often suffer(ed) from very stressful experiences, the volunteer mustn’t be racist or xenophobe in any kind of way. A criminal background check is obligatory. Candidates with experience in the described activities above will have an advantage in the selection process.

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