Професійна програма AsiaGlobal Fellows Program

Програма надає можливість молодим професіоналам пройти навчання в Гонконзі. Програма триває 13 тижнів і спрямована на розвиток навичок майбутніх лідерів. Організатори беруть над себе усі витрати, учасниками виплачується стипендія.

Дедлайн: 21 лютого


For your application to be considered, you must:

  • be a promising, mid-career professional with 8 to 25 years of working experience.
  • be actively engaged in politics, policy-making, policy research, civil society, or business.
  • have a special interest in the Asian region and possess an orientation towards finding solutions to the challenges of our complex world.
  • have demonstrated strong capacity to make a positive impact on your organization, society, and the wider world.


As an AsiaGlobal Fellow, you will have the opportunity to attend talks and lectures by noted academics and business practitioners, which will be conducted in English. You will be required to answer three essay questions in your application. You will also be asked to write a policy research paper during your time as a fellow. As such, you will need to have a high-level of proficiency in English reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


Applications for the AsiaGlobal Fellows Program are completed and submitted to us online. After you create your account, you will receive an automated email with your login name and password. Please keep this information safe, private, and confidential. The form allows you to save and return to continue the application at your convenience. Please save your work regularly, as the system times out after 45 minutes.  As you will be asked to upload materials to support your application, please ensure that your documents meet the required file size.

No applications sent via email will be processed.


Three independent recommendation letters must be submitted by your referees to support your application. They should be from individuals who are not relatives but who know you personally, and are familiar with your work and career trajectory to date. An email will be sent to your referees as soon as your form is submitted. A second email will be sent when the recommendation letter has been submitted. You are advised to submit your application as early as possible so your referees have sufficient time to prepare and submit their recommendations. Your application will be considered incomplete if the recommendation letters are not submitted by the application deadline.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.


We ask that you upload documents that will strengthen your application. This includes, but is not limited to, your CV as well as any citations and awards you might have received.


During the evaluation period, shortlisted applicants may be asked to participate in a face-to-face or online (Skype) interview. Successful candidates will be informed by email; every effort will be made to give successful applicants sufficient time to make appropriate arrangements for their workplace.


Applications are now open for the 2020 cohort and applications are accepted until February 21, 2020.

Should you have any further questions about the program or the procedures for completing the application forms, please contact: agf.enquiry@hku.hk.


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