Ретритна програма для митців у Таїланді

Митці будь-якого напрямку та будь-якої спеціальності запрошуються на двотижневу програму з медитації до Таїланду.

Дати: 22 липня – 5 серпня 2016 року.

Дедлайн: 28 лютого.

Детальний опис англійською:

This Artistic Meditation Retreat will bring Artists, from various artistic disciplines, from all around the world, for a two week period of Artistic Creation and Meditation at a beautiful sanctuary in Southern Thailand.

This is the third Artistic Meditation Retreat that aims to educate and inspire artists through guided meditation and creative exploration.

This Artistic Meditation Retreat will take place from July 22nd until August 5th, 2016 and will combine a two-week meditation and self-discipline training with artistic creation; the artist participants will be guided into meditation by the Teaching Monks three times a day.

Teachings include:

  • How meditation can positively affect the creative process
  • Reclaiming the self and gaining self confidence.
  • The role of the basic human self-disciplines
  • The role of our habits in our daily life
  • The Factors that Determine Our Perception to Think, Act and Speak;
  • The Relation between Body and Mind
  • Art Expression as Peace Building Tool


  • To bring a group of artists together into a charming, unique and special atmosphere where everyone will inspire and positively influence each other.
  • To empower artists and offer the ideal space for them to create artworks
  • To allow artists to learn practical methods for stress management and ways to increase emotional intelligence and express this through creativity
  • Provide the participating artists with tools to attain inner peace through mindfulness, self-discipline and compassion.

The Artistic Meditation Retreat 2016 includes:

  • free accommodation
  • free catering
  • free local transportation
  • free meditation retreat fee
  • partial sponsoring of airfare*


  • Artists from any age above 20, from all around the world, practising any artistic discipline are encouraged to apply for the Artistic Meditation Retreat in Thailand, July 2016.
  • Applicants must have a good proficiency in written and spoken English language.
  • Applicants are optimistic, open-minded, show leadership potential, and have a genuine interest in peace.
  • Applicants must complete the 42 days online Self-Development Program before the 1st May 2016. Applicants can begin the SDP immediately after they have submitted the application.
  • Artist should be 20-32 years old at the time of submitting the application in order to receive partial airfare support.


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2 коментарі

  1. 3 Лютого, 2016

    […] Джерело: Ретритна програма для митців у Таїланді […]

  2. 3 Лютого, 2016

    […] За матеріалами: UNISTUDY […]

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