Мистецька резиденція в Польщі

Професіонали у галузі мистецтва: куратори, дослідники, менеджери – запрошуються до центру сучасного мистецтва «Ujazdowski Castle» (Варшава). Учасники візьмуть участь у програмі «A-I-R Laboratory». Метою програми, за словами організаторів є кооперація між творчими людьми та професіоналами, залученими у сферу мистецтва.

Тривалість програми: один місяць.

Дедлайн: 31 березня.

Детальний опис англійською:

The Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle and the City of Warsaw invite art professionals: curators, organisers, researchers and managers to apply for one-month long residencies in frames of Artists-In-Residence Laboratory programme at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw. The A-I-R Laboratory has been organizing an international residency programme at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw since 2002.

Initiated in 2013 “Re-Directing: East” consists of the series of artistic and curatorial residencies and it postulates the experimental and working approach to geopolitical aspects, their performative investigation. The notion of “Re-Directing” refers here to a need to facilitate collaborations with art initiatives from regions with which the A-I-R Laboratory hasn’t had an opportunity to collaborate so far. What we are looking for is an opportunity to cooperate and discuss the specific narratives dealt with by culture creators in the regions characterized by the recent fundamental system transformations and political instability, on the one hand, and the regional artists’ readiness to experiment with the forms of art education and practice, on the other. Starting in Warsaw, which due to its historical experience and geographic location, is an ideal place for such a meeting we envision Re-Directing: East as a roaming academy, a platform enabling non-obvious micro-scale and research-based meetings and dialogues.

Eligible countries:

Algeria, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Egypt, Georgia, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Moldova, Oman, Palestine, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan.

A month long residency in May 2015

Submission deadline: 31.03.2015

Fellows should be prepared to:

  • Give a talk providing an overview or insight into specific issues relating to the current art scene in their country.
  • Prepare a portfolio review of selected artists and art initiatives from their homeland in Warsaw.
  • Participate in the A-I-R Laboratory programme (seminars, meetings, study visits).
  • Collaborate with CCA curators on preparing the artistic residencies for their respective locales.
  • Selection will be based on the professional excellence of the applicant’s work and his/her plans for sharing the benefits of the exchange with artists and institutions in his/her home country.
  • Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of English to function independently and communicate with A-I-R Laboratory staff and other residents.

We will be offering:

  • Individual living space connected with the working space
  • Per diems in the amount of 3200 PLN / approx. 760 EUR
  • Providing the roundtrip flight
  • Organizing customised programme and study visits in Warsaw and beyond.

How to apply:

Please send an electronic version of your PDF portfolio (in English and in ONE document), including:
1. professional work experience
2. a covering letter – a short explanation of why you would like to take part in our programme presenting any relevant personal background and the form taken by your involvement in your local art scene
3. your CV

Please label the portfolio as follows:
your surname_your name_portfolio.pdf
In your email, please specify how you found out about this residency opportunity.

Please send the portfolio to e-mail: air.opencall@gmail.com
Джерело: http://csw.art.pl/index.php?action=air&lang=eng&s2=wydarzenia

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