Волонтерський проект у Литві: подача заявки термінова!

Pangeya Ultima шукає учасників віком 18-30 років на проект Європейського Корпусу Солідарності (ESC) в Анталіпте, Литва.

Дати перебування волонтера/ки на проекті: Серпень 2021 – Квітень 2022.

Opportunity: European Solidarity Corps “GROWING TOGETHER”

Dates: August 2021 – April 2022 (9 months)

Location: Antaliepte, Lithuania

Hosting Organization: Innovators’ Valley

About organization:

Innovators’ valley is restoring and developing unique cultural heritage – as a XVIIth century monastery -, and a beautiful surrounding – 12 hectares of park-. Step by step they are developing this historical and natural place as social innovations, environmental and non-formal education centre (www.inovatiruslenis.lt). Volunteers will help in a practical and creative way to develop these unique place as co-working and co-living hub in the nature. NGO Innovators’ valley and DC Pangeya Ultima have been partners since 2015 and during this time many young people with spirit of adventure and open mind tried themselves in Lithuania (you can read about their experience in our blog).

Food and accommodation:

The volunteer will live in her/his own room. The volunteer will have to share the shower, toilet and fully equipped kitchen with other volunteers. Volunteers will cook independent, also there is possibility to get plenty of free food, which is left after seminars.

Pocket Money:

The volunteer will have 4 € per day of pocket money (120 Eur) and food money (120 Eur); the payment will be in the beginning of each month.

Local transport:

All the working places are in the walking distance, so, the volunteer will not need any transport. Any transportation connected with the project will be covered by the host organization. Those costs will be calculated and paid in advance. There is a possibility to borrow the bicycle from the organization and enjoy the park area and surroundings.

Working hours and tasks:

The volunteer will work 7 hours each day 5 working days per week. Each week she/he will have 2 free days. If the volunteer will be asked to work in weekends, she/he will receive 1,5 day-offs in return. Volunteer can have 2 extra free days each month.

During the whole volunteering service depending on a need one can expect these tasks:

  • to welcome visitors to Antaliepte and to administrate accommodation on AirB&B;
  • to heat a dorm house/office during cold season: we have tree buildings to heat: Dorm house “Skills LAB”, training center “Medus” and monastery;
  • to help with preparation for events and making cosy atmosphere in very old rooms;
  • to work in Kamariskes manor park and Innovators’ valley park (cutting bushes and grass, old trees, planting trees);
  • to reconstruct monastery (removing old paints from the surfaces, creating with stuff the design for rooms);
  • to develop the furniture design and assisting in the wood workshop during
  • socializations camps;
  • to lead groups in youth exchange camps, volunteering camps (30 days socialization camp for youth with fewer opportunities);
  • to take pictures during events, to prepare promoting material for organization, Instagram, FB;
  • to develope nature school programme;
  • to visit schools and youth organizations in the region of Aukštaitija, promoting our organization, volunteering and EU;
  • to contribute with new ideas on developing organization and services (eco garden, eco-tourism, camping area, kids playing zone, park infrastructure, nature school, hiking routes);you will get support for your initiatives (for example organizing youth camp, play football with kids from orphan house, teaching seniors to draw or IT skills);
  • to organise ZeroWaste fest in August, big event for the community of Antaliepte;
  • fund raising (sharing ideas, filling up application forms).

Please aply ASAP To do it, please, fill out the google form here: https://forms.gle/PwNGbZ3VvAbHQS9y8

If you have any questons, please, write us to pangeya.ultima.mobility@gmail.com

N/B Candidates from Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region will receive the preference. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis.


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