Нідерланди: стипендія в The University of Amsterdam

Країна: Нідерланди

Університет: The University of Amsterdam

Стипендія: Amsterdam Merit Scholarship

Дедлайн: 15 січня 2021 р.

Applications should be submitted to the Admissions Offices of the Graduate Schools. Deadlines for the AMS differ per Faculty or Graduate School. You can find the specific eligibility requirements, selection criteria and application instructions on the Faculty or Graduate School websites.

Requirements for eligibility

Candidates wishing to take part in the Amsterdam Merit Scholarship programme must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (“Studiefinanciering”; for more information please refer to: www.DUO.nl) and/or the low tuition fee. The scholarship office should be notified as soon as possible of any change in nationality, type of residence permit, and/or possible “Studiefinanciering” support, throughout the academic year.
  • Be fully admitted to a degree programme at the Graduate School of Social Sciences. Scholarship continuation is not guaranteed when a candidate changes his or her degree programme.
  • AMS will not be awarded to candidates having to complete a preparatory programme before their master, except if only the Summerschool Programme Comprehensive Introduction to Research Methodology and Design is required and its costs are borne by the applicant.
  • Be admitted unconditionally to a Master’s programme of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, and this programme being the first programme for the applicant, either on bachelor level or master level, in The Netherlands.
  • Be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations.
  • Be enrolled at the UvA as full-time student for the academic year and the programme for which the scholarship is awarded.
  • The candidate should not receive a full coverage scholarship for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship. Notify the scholarships office when another full scholarship has been awarded and accepted.
  • Scholarship continuation for subsequent year(s) of study depends upon satisfactory study progress. The programme you will be enrolled in, as it depends on the curriculum and rules and regulations of the department, sets the standard for satisfactory progress, and the time and manner in which progress will be measured. Please be advised that you are expected to gain approximately 80% of credits in any one year.

Selection criteria

We have a limited number of scholarships. The best eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field, as evidenced by their academic records, letters of recommendation, written work and/or publications and their proposed research questions;
  • The quality of their letter of motivation.

How to apply?

You can submit your application by completing the following steps:

  1. Submit your application for the Master programme of your choice. Note that your application needs to be complete, so with all required documents including valid language test scores.
  2. Receive your UvA student number
  3. Fill out and submit the application form for the Amsterdam Merit Scholarship.  You will need to upload the following documents:
  • scan of identity page of passport
  • letter of motivation
  • financial plan

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