Молодіжний обмін “All together-in all inclusive sports aim”

Харкіська НГО “Стелла” збирає команду на молодіжний обмін, який буде сфокусований на спорті як засобі пропагування активного життя молоді.

Дати: 12 – 19 липня 2017 року.

Місце: Trzcianka, Польща

Дедлайн: 28 травня.

Детальний опис англійською:


The aim of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange All together-in all inclusive sports aim is to promote inclusion, participation and empowerment of youth through the use of sport.


The idea of our and all the partner’s organization is to reach participants who may impact sport and society at all levels and this way we aim to provide opportunities for all.

We want to use sport as our basis to reach young people, after all this is a big advantage as sport brings together a high percentage of youth involvement in all countries.

The objective is to form competences on how to use the methodology “Education through Sport” and to create a network of people interested in using these new skills.

The activities we are organizing include: workshops, talks, role-playing, visits, debates and practice of several team-sports in outdoor and indoor context.


  • be 18-30 years old for particpants and no limit age for the group leader
  • be interested in the main topic of the youth exchange
  • have good English language skills in order to achieve the objectives of the activities
  • be capable and willing to develop further youth project, event after arriving to Ukraine within 2 months, using the knowlegde and skills obtained during the exchange
  • be able to write a report in English and Ukrainian after the project is over

Financial conditions

This project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme:

  • Travel costs are 100 % covered
  • Food and accommodation will be covered for the entire project – 100%
  • Fee – 30 euros

Джерело та аплікаційна формаhttp://ngo-stella.org/projects/All-together-in-all-inclusive-sports-aim

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