Стажування в Брюсселі: Blue Book Traineeship

Що: Blue Book Traineeship
Де: Бельгія, Брюссель
Початок: жовтень 2021 р.
Вимоги: робочий рівень англійської французької або німецької мов, диплом бакалавра або магістра
Термін: 5 місяців, стипендія 1230 євро на місяць
Дедлайн: 29 січня

Пройди тест і дізнаєшся, чи є в тебе шанси при подачі: https://ec.europa.eu/stages/self-assessment_en

Детальніше про подачу заявки: https://ec.europa.eu/stages/information/application_en

Про стажування:

Trainees work all over the European Commission, its services and agencies, mostly in Brussels, but also in Luxembourg and elsewhere across the European Union.

The nature of your work will depend on the service you are assigned to.

You may, for example, work in the field of competition law, human resources, environmental policy, etc.

What does a trainee’s daily work consist of?

  • Attending and organising meetings, working groups, and public hearings;
  • Researching, drafting end editing documentation – including reports and consultations;
  • Answering citizens’ inquiries;
  • Supporting the management of projects.

What do we expect from you?

  • An open-minded approach to European issues;
  • An interest in learning about the Commission’s working methods;
  • Willingness to work in a multicultural environment;
  • To contribute to the Commission’s daily work from a fresh perspective;
  • A proactive attitude.

Scientific traineeships are also available at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

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