Відкрито набір на програму TED Fellows 2021
Щороку програма TED Fellows обирає нову групу екстраординарних особистостей, інноваторів у своїх галузях, які займаються міждисциплінарною діяльністю. Маєш ідеї? Подавайся!
Дати проведення конференції: Monterey (May 29 – June 4, 2021)
Вік учасників: від 18 років
Дедлайн: 24 серпня, результати відбору будуть відомі через 8 місяців
Що дасть участь в програмі:
- You become part of a diverse, collaborative and global community of more than 500 emerging and established experts.
- You receive professional development through virtual workshops and webinars.
- You gain valuable feedback from TED’s expert coaches on how to hone, express and communicate your work and your ideas.
- You will give a TED Talk (at a virtual or live event, depending on the state of the global pandemic).
- You’ll receive career coaching and mentorship from our team of professional coaches.
- You’ll get public relations guidance and media training.
- You’ll participate in virtual programming for TED Fellows.
- You will have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to a thriving and connected global community.
- You will get a possible invitation to attend the special TEDMonterey conference in Monterey, California. (Note: while we are currently planning on an in-person conference in Monterey [May 29–June 4, 2021], given the global pandemic this conference may be cancelled and the TED Fellowship may become entirely virtual. This will depend on expert advice and local health safety protocols.)
Головні вимоги:
- An idea worth spreading!
- A completed online application consisting of general biographical information, short paragraphs on your work and three references. (It’s fun, and it’ll make you think…)
- You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
- You must be fluent in English.
- You must be excited to participate in a collaborative, interdisciplinary global community.
- You must be available May 29–June 4, 2021.
Відповіді на найпоширеніші запитання: FAQ TED Fellows
Познайомся з учасниками попередніх років програми: Meet the TED Fellows 2020