Довгострокові волонтерські проекти в Бельгії

Дедлайн для проектів, які розпочнуться восени, продовжено до 4 серпня.

Our partner organisation in Belgium has several very hot long-term volunteering proposals for you for the projects that start already this autumn! The deadline is very close so please do not hesitate to apply and maybe your dreams will come tru this year!

? 4 projects

? 7 volunteers

Period: September/October 2019 until June/August 2020 (10 or 12 months)

All these projects are financed under the European Solidarity Corps ?? program which means that all your expenses for the travel, insurance, food, accommodation and pocket money are covered!

Don’t miss your chance, apply today!

Description of the projects:

? 1) Trait d’Union Inclusion- Association des Compagnons Bâtisseurs, 1 volunteer

Activity dates: 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2020

Project description: The “Association des Compagnons Bâtisseurs”, aka CBB, is a non-profit, non-political Youth Organisation recognised by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium. The organisation offers different kinds of activities, mainly based on volunteering and non-formal education: local and international work-camps, youth exchanges, medium and long term voluntary services, leisure time activities for and with disabled people. Our ESC volunteer will be actively involved in our activities, from the preparation to the evaluation, and her/his role will mainly be to facilitate, together with CBB leaders and other CBB volunteers, the participation of people with fewer opportunities or disabilities.


FULL DESCRIPTION HERE: https://drive.google.com/…/1FVeVZkgrqWMxQ6g016lJUTUYcXxRRjc2

? DEADLINE : 4th August ?


? 2) Centre Culturel Genappe, 3 volunteers

Activity dates: 01/10/2019-30/09/2020

Project description: The « Genappe cultural centre » proposes a cultural project oriented toward the fight against any type of social isolation and the promotion of the territory’s specificities. The volunteers will be carrying different tasks at the cultural centre, at the youth centre, at the Monty (intercultural and creative space), in the “Genappe in transition” movement.


FULL DESCRIPTION HERE: https://drive.google.com/…/1AYiQlHqLHPtlqZ0WHBD7_4kSUh6qVYPf

? DEADLINE : 4th August ?


? 3) Foyer l’Aubépine, 2 volunteers

Activity dates: 01/10/2019-30/09/2020

Project description: Aubépine’s team supports daily 15 youngsters encountering all sorts of difficulties, in dangerous situation (health or security), lacking educational support due to their familial environment or to their behavior. The organization hosts minors from 3 up to 18 years benefitting from a right of protection and deal with their relatives. The 2 volunteers will participate in the daily activities organized in the association.


FULL DESCRIPTION HERE: https://drive.google.com/…/1XqZcoGguQtlkfRxJLcvwemXdrm79aSqV

? DEADLINE : 4th August ?


? 4) AMO Le Cercle, 1 volunteer

Activity dates: 01/10/2019-30/09/2020

Project description: The organisation “Le Cercle” is part of what is called, in Belgium, a non-constraint help to youth (AMO – Aide en Milieu Ouvert). The volunteer will help to support one specific project called “Chacun sa yourte”, a pilot project addressing school drop outs from an alternative perspective. Its target group is young people aged 15 years old or less and about to drop out.

Більше інформації тут: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/14466_en

FULL DESCRIPTION HERE: https://drive.google.com/…/1qbYHtUNYHoe_suXsFhT_Hk8nNC0hjcDi

? DEADLINE : 4th August ?


? How to apply for any of these projects ?

In the frame of the new program of the European Commission, the European Solidarity Corps, volunteers interested first need

  1. To create a profile on the new data base: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en (“JOIN THE CORPS”)
  2. Then, CLICK on the links in the project descriptions above to see the descriptions on the ESC data base. If you’re interested, first click on “APPLY”:
  3. At the bottom of each online description, in the part “VOLUNTEER PROFILE”, you will find a link for a google drive document. Copy/paste the link on the internet and download the document, read the description and fill the questionnaire.
  4. Prepare CV + PROJECT RELATED MOTIVATION LETTER + THE SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE FILLED (see in the document of project descriptions as explained above) before deadlines mentioned in the full descriptions.

(Any uncomplete application will be disregarded)

Please send your applications to evs@compagnonsbatisseurs.be (Morgane and Sophie) mentioning that your sending organisation is Kharkiv non-governmental association for Active Youth Stella.

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